Pacific View supporters are encouraged to ask the City Council to allot funding for Pacific View’s future needs at this Wednesday’s (March 25) Encinitas City Council meeting.
When the council voted unanimously to accept the Pacific View Activation Plan on February 11, it did not include $500,000 budgeted but unused for Pacific View financing that had been suggested to be earmarked for the site’s preparation and maintenance. At this point, no money is budgeted for Pacific View beyond a yearly upkeep amount of $20,000 and a one-time expenditure $75,000 for preliminary architectural plans.
At Wednesday’s meeting, councilmembers will begin planning the Capital Improvement Project (CIP), which determines which city projects will be funded over the next six years, and at what levels. Because Pacific View’s interim plan is currently being developed, please suggest to the City Council that $500k be preserved and uncommitted until the Pacific View proposals are received and its future needs determined.
There are two ways to send our message to the council:
1) Speak about reserving Pacific View funding during Item 10B at Wednesday’s meeting by submitting a pink speaker’s slip to the City Clerk before the Item comes up. (It’ll probably happen after 6:30 p.m.)
2) Send councilmembers an email at (preferably today)and encourage them to hold funds in the CIP to help get Pacific View ready for its new use.
In other news, Pacific View Activation Subcommittee members Tony Kranz and Lisa Shaffer have completed their draft report to be presented to the City Council for its consideration on April 8. You can read it here.
The City of Encinitas website now features a page devoted to Pacific View, which may serve as a clearing house for people to post their interests and capabilities and find potential partners.
Several interior photos of Pacific View’s buildings can be found here.

Pacific View supporters are encouraged to ask the City Council to allot funding for Pacific View’s future needs at this Wednesday’s (March 25) Encinitas City Council meeting. will stay on top of developments and send email updates when new Pacific View events occur. You’re also invited to stay up-to-date on Pacific View news by joining the email list here. Your name and email address will only be used by The SavePacificView story as told by local media can be read here.
What are your Pacific View ideas? Click here to Share Your View!
The discussion about what we’d all like to see happen at the Pacific View site, and the process of getting there, continues.
You and your friends are invited to have your say and Share Your View on the website. You can login there directly or use your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ ID to post and comment. Your input is much appreciated, and essential to helping create a place that can be enjoyed for generations to come.

The historic Pacific View property as it appeared before the City of Encinitas purchased it in 2014.