
Council votes on Pacific View access tonight

Encinitas Friends of the Arts and the Synergy Art Foundation each donated $1000 to the Encinitas Arts, Culture and Ecology Alliance as a demonstration of support for the Alliance's efforts to rehabilitate and administer the Pacific View property. Pictured at the presentation during the January 27 Encinitas City Council meeting are (front row, l. to r.) 101 Artists’ Colony President Danny Salzhandler, Encinitas Historical Society President Carolyn Cope, 101 Artists’ Colony Board Member Kay Colvin, Alliance President Garth Murphy, Mayor Kristin Gaspar, Encinitas Friends of the Arts President Naimeh Tanha, Friends of the Arts’ Laura Diede, Friends of the Arts’ Deanne Sabeck, Synergy Art Foundation’s Patricia Friescher, Synergy Art Foundation’s Irène de Watteville (back row, l. to r.) Encinitas 101 MainStreet Association Executive Director Thora Guthrie, musician/activist Ashley Mazanec, Alliance attorney Trisha Hilder, Alliance Vice-President Jon Humphrey, Council Member Catherine Blakespear, Deputy Mayor Lisa Shaffer, Council Member Mark Muir, and Council Member Tony Kranz.

Encinitas Friends of the Arts and the Synergy Art Foundation each donated $1000 to the Encinitas Arts, Culture and Ecology Alliance as a demonstration of support for the Alliance’s efforts to rehabilitate and administer the Pacific View property. Pictured at the presentation during the January 27 Encinitas City Council meeting are (front row, l. to r.) 101 Artists’ Colony President Danny Salzhandler, Encinitas Historical Society President Carolyn Cope, 101 Artists’ Colony Board Member Kay Colvin, Alliance President Garth Murphy, Mayor Kristin Gaspar, Encinitas Friends of the Arts President Naimeh Tanha, Friends of the Arts’ Laura Diede, Encinitas Arts Commissioner Deanne Sabeck, SD Visual Arts Network’s Patricia Frischer, Synergy Art Foundation’s Irène de Watteville (back row, l. to r.) Encinitas 101 MainStreet Association Executive Director Thora Guthrie, musician/activist Ashley Mazanec, Alliance attorney Trisha Hilder, Alliance Vice-President Jon Humphrey, Council Member Catherine Blakespear, Deputy Mayor Lisa Shaffer, Council Member Mark Muir, and Council Member Tony Kranz.

Tonight, Wednesday, February 24, the Encinitas City Council will consider a draft agreement giving the Encinitas Arts, Culture and Ecology Alliance interim access to the Pacific View site for several months while a long-term agreement is negotiated.

At its January 27 meeting, the council agreed to draft a “Right of Entry” agreement so that Alliance-supervised volunteers could stop the deterioration of the buildings and improve the site at no expense or risk to the city.

In the interests of minimizing its liability, Alliance President Garth Murphy has suggested some additions to the agreement regulating other entities who have access to the property and buildings. Attorney Felix Tinkov and nearby property owner Don McPherson have also proposed changes to the draft agreement.

The proposed agreement will come before the council as Item 10C; the agenda is here and the Agenda Report containing the proposed “Right of Entry” agreement and related correspondence is here. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers at Encinitas City Hall, 505 South Vulcan Avenue in Encinitas.

The Encinitas Arts, Culture and Ecology Alliance consists of many local artists and community leaders who banded together to create a vision for the site. Their unification avoided what some predicted would be unpleasant competitive jostling for the right to administer Pacific View. On September 23, 2015, the council voted unanimously to begin negotiations with the Alliance for a long-term agreement to operate an arts and culture center on the historic property. stays on top of developments and sends email updates when new Pacific View events occur. You’re invited to stay up-to-date on Pacific View news by joining the email list here. Your name and email address will only be used by

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The historic Pacific View property as it appeared before the City of Encinitas purchased it in 2014.

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