
Save Pacific View: Before the Sale, In Your Words


Your “Save Pacific View” emails went to the Encinitas Union School District Superintendent, school district board members and each Encinitas City Council member. Here’s a selection of your comments from the 724 emails that were sent:

  • Please save Pacific View, or we won’t save you.
  • I understand that, “Money talks and Bullshit walks” but when it comes to retaining even 1 square inch of our Encinitas past I feel every reasonable consideration should be considered.  I went to San Dieguito Union High School and even though I attended the primary grades in Solana Beach. Back in the 60’s I considered the area from Leucadia-Encinitas-Rancho Santa Fe-Cardiff by the Sea-Solana Beach and Del Mar as my “HOME.”  After returning to my birthplace after a 35 year absence all I had to do was take a 1 hour drive around my Birth place to see how much has been lost to greed.  It would be so beneficial to our area to have one vestibule to the “Old Encinitas” that I remember and dearly loved.  Thank you for listening.
  • I believe your making a Big Mistake aution the Pacific View off because that site should be for our children, children.   We own a house next to Pacific View since 1928, and I for one thought the school should have never been closed because of greed. Money is just a bunch of paper, when we need places to visit and enjoy with our families. If you have any heart you will try to preserve this Site for all to enjoy. Not for money hungry people.
  • Please do whatever you can to help promote the arts in Encinitas
  • I attented this school when I was young. Now they wana tear it down that’s a shame !! Being raised in leucadia all my life I wished my kids follow my trails of schools, which I attented in encinitas . Now the rich investors discovered out a beach town and want to destroy my young memories !! Shame keep the school !!
  • I attended Pacific View Elementary and am writing with the hope that you will find a way to keep the property city-owned.
  • My family has lived in Encinitas fo 40 years. In that time we have come to love this town that is so unique on San Diego’s coastline. I feel if the PVS property gets into hands of out of town developers it will totally ruin the wonderful ambiance we have. The property is owned by tax payers and we must keep control of it!
  • This is such a significant legacy to Encinitas!
  • Once something like this is gone, it’s gone forever. The the money that would come from selling to the highest bidder would soon be gone also with nothing as valuable as this property bought in exchange.
  • My son was a student in the last school year ever at Pacific View so this is an issue dear to our hearts.
  • My daughter was part of the last graduating class at Pacific View Elementary, and it would be wonderful for her, and the future generations of Encinitas children to enjoy it as some form of arts and cultural center. It should remain a culture part of our community. Thank you.
  • High quality of life is what makes Encinitas SPECIAL.  This act of greed would LESSEN the quality of life in Encinitas.
  • I am grateful for Council’s decision late last night, 3/19/14, at the Encinitas Council Meeting to make another confidential offer to purchase Pacific View.  Thank you, Council for listening to and caring about the community speakers, our children, and our future.  Thanks, especially to all those who were willing to stay late, and who have written e-mails, letters and come to numerous Council Meetings and EUSD Board of Trustees Meetings.The letter sent to Council by EUSD Superintendent Tim Baird was not authorized by the Board of Trustees.  It was inappropriate in setting terms for the City’s purchase much more restrictive than for the planned auction, and for doing so without authorization by the Board.  The City’s letter had asked for a special meeting to be called, to include the ad hoc subcommittees of Council and the District, to reopen confidential negotiations, not for an unauthorized, unilateral response by Tim Baird.As Councilmember Tony Kranz suggested, there has been animus around this issue, which is so important  to the community, which controversy has been exacerbated by what locals perceive to be the bad faith and failure to continue confidential negotiations by Superintendent Baird, when Council, and the Community had relied on the District’s good faith promises made in closed sessions with the City.My husband and I and my two daughters, who both attended Park Dale Lane, and played ball on Pacific View playing fields, are grateful that Council has given us all another opportunity to negotiate in good faith, to purchase the property for the greatest common good, to keep this historic piece of land, in perpetuity, in the public domain as a true community arts and learning center.
    The greatest value is not short term profit or a one time injection of funds, which would assuredly have to be restricted into EUSD’s facility improvement funds.  The citizens have given a great deal to EUSD over the years.  It is your duty to uphold the public trust, and to give back to the community.
    We do concur that the City of Encinitas should pledge, if and when the property is transferred, to keep the zoning public/semi public, in perpetuity, as Tim Baird has requested.  Should this be done, then the acceptable price should be discounted to an amount substantially below $9.5 Million, which was not validated by any current appraisal in the current zoning, using local comps.
    In closing, we appeal to the Board of Trustees for EUSD.  This can be a win/win/win for us all, as I’ve said.  You can contribute to the community character by upholding the intention of the original donor of the land, to provide a site where the children of the original settlers of Encinitas, and future generations can play, can learn, and can come together, by the sea, in harmony.
  • Encinitas is a wonderful community, and preserving some of our local resources for the cultural enrichment of the community (rather than commercial enrichment) will help us retain our character and overall livability. We don’t need any more condos!
  • Please Save Pacific View! Encinitas is a special place for a reason.
  • As Encinitas residents since 1974, with two children now in New York City living and working as professional musicians, one a MacArthur Fellow, our family is thrilled to hear of the possibility of keeping Pacific View School as a future arts center.  EUSD Board of Trustees and Encinitas City Council members will all be heroes, and our children’s children will tell of this historic decision back in 2014 when you chose culture and education over commodity.
  • Please, please do not auction this property!  We need to preserve this school for future generations!  Do not let money rule!
  • I am so pleased that there is a possibility at this point that the property be owned by the city of Encinitas!  I strongly urge you all to continue these discussions and reach an agreement that is amenable to all parties.  Encinitas is such a unique and wonderful beach town, and there are such possibilities for this property to enrich children and families for generations…just as the original giver had hoped.  Thank you for all of your hard work trying to form a compromise!
  • Please honor the wishes of the people in our community!
  • This council will want to be remembered for something very special, saving the Pacific View property and establishing something wonderful for the community that will be forever in our memories and the memories of our future people who love Encinitas.  This property is precious. Please don’t let developers destroy it. The people will be watching and hoping you can make a financial deal to preserve the beauty of our town.
  • I have the fondest memories of going to school at PV. This piece of land is a real treasure, and it should be enjoyed by the Encinitas community for generations to come!
  • I went to Pacific View in 1969-70. The land needs to become a park not condos or housing. Keep the land for the people of Encinitas!!
  • Dear Community Leaders,
    Thank you, to Dr. Baird and the EUSD board for your March 17th letter to Mayor Barth.  Thank you, to our city leaders for your response last night!
    I am hopeful about this communication and look forward to a positive outcome for all.
    I hope you are all able to work together to make this dream of public use a reality.
    Thank you all so much for your public service and for representing us.
    With much appreciation of all your hard work.
  • please, Please, PLEASE keep that space public!
  • I am closely watching the city’s determination to save this property for the use of the entire community and will be sure to place my future ballots accordingly!
  • Hey! Please do whatever you can to keep this space in the hands of the beautiful people of Encinitas and make it a place for everyone in the community.
    This property has the potential to enrich the lives of everyone in the community for generations to come!
    A community garden would be nice!
  • Please keep this beautiful property open to the community of Encinitas. We don’t need more condos but we can use the communal space!
  • Please work together to save the Pacific View property for use by all the citizens of Encinitas.
  • As a resident since 1991 I employ you to SAVE THE PACIFIC VIEW PARCEL for generations to come.
    Our community deserves your support to save this valuable location for the community, the arts, and the people of Encinitas.
  • Places like Pacific View School make Encinitas the charming community that it is.  The sense of place created by the old school house help define the “my little town” feeling in Hugh Martin’s song “Encinitas.”
  • The school board wants the city to stipulate that the land won’t be rezoned and will be limited to certain uses.
    Didn’t the people who donated the land have stipulations as well that the school board has chosen to ignore.
    Why should they stipulate that the city won’t sell or rezone the land when that is exactly what they are intending to do?
    This is a land grab of a beautiful spot that should belong to the people of this city.
    Beyond the legal issues I see this as a moral issue of people trying to grab this land for profit. thanks
  • My daughter went to this school. How can you replace walking field trips to the beach. This is a crime. Why doesn’t the city put money into improving the school. The first school house in the town is here.
  • I would like to address this to the Encinitas School Board members:
    As a former Cardiff school board member, I acknowledge and understand the conflict between  serving your school district constituency and the  community. However, I implore you to  have the foresight to save this one-of-a kind property for public use for generations to come. Take the minimal risk and negotiate a compromise price that will benefit all.
  • Honestly & truly, my heart belongs to Pacific View. It was more than a school to me (1981-1988).
    PLEASE save this piece of historical property for the people of Encinitas!
    Save it for my kids. I like to point out to them the property where my sense of family, creative learning and civic pride were born. And later grew.
    SAVE IT FOR ME. I have watched this community change over the last 38 years. I have always felt if I stayed, I could help make this amazing town good.
  • PLEASE save this piece of historical property for the people of now and the future of Encinitas!
  • Are bid stipulations permanent or merely offers of appeasing compromises?  Yet ownership is the only guarantee of use.  Price is a telling point for a closely held intent. What makes economic sense at $9.5 million for 2.6 acres?  Or is there economic justification for a civic asset appraised at $5 million, given tradeoffs to balance who benefits most from the system of governance in the long run?
    Is this a price based upon market or agenda?  Easy to tell?  Measure price per square foot as a gauge to monetary considerations in the market place and tell us the monetary basis for such a special use properties in comparison for residential, commercial, and industrial designations.  Given economic reality and the law of unintended consequences, and, the practice of law has a politically pragmatic perspective, as does a monetary position override other postured considerations such as use, covenants, and zoning when agenda driven by private property rights?
    Now think of value propositions of a vision aspired way to integrate art into mission as an innovation into education: STEAM.  Is applied knowledge the key to better results worth an investment of equity?  How does an enlightened parent teacher association best critique school performance and how is student comprehension monitored?  Statistically speaking what is the growth in marginal learning trends as students fail to cope with common core roll outs experience a driven pace of content delivery that surpass individual coping to understand first to succeed second throughout the matriculation?  What are the failures in relation to the successes?  Can a new facility fill gaps that are lacking?
    As a community enterprise economic model for cooperative education and skill development purposes, an art center holds potential to generate ground rent through a subscription crowd-funding campaign.  Creative ways to direct end user involvement, using low-cost, no-cost approaches, may provide similar payout over a ten year period, and, then, perpetually as earnings, if assumptions are actualized.   Operational licensing agreements coupled with fractional ownership shares creates opportunities for an additional revenue stream that equates to purchase price valuations given market expectations resulting in additional payouts within 3 to 5 years based upon projections.
    As municipals roles evolves, the challenge will be to bring sophisticated solutions to a complex problems, times demand a combining trustee responsibilities and regulatory duties to be simply exercised within reason and designed to proactively engage proactively public demands with inequitable needs in order to fulfill the public benefit to modernize infrastructure in a local economy with equal access to common assets.
  • We fully understand city planning and taxes which we all pay. Its unbelievable that you would auction off a city historical site to developers for some money. Turn the historical site into something our families can visit for generations.  There are no sites like this left so please do what’s right.  There are plenty of other places for in fill development and more tax revenue.
  • Keep california a community!
  • This is a special site for this community.
    I am sure that when it was donated as a school site the intention was that it would serve the entire community in perpertuity.
    Enciintas is a coummnuity of artists has seen in the annual banners produced and displayed on Hiway 101.
    This site has a great potential to serve the City in many unique ways that are conssitent with the original intent of the gift to the City.
  • I urge the School District and the City Council to work together to create an arts-related venue to benefit all generations of North County residents. Thank you.
  • But by “save”, I don’t mean someone – anyone – buying it cheap, thereby “costing” our school district the money it needs & deserves in their coffers.  Nor do I want it “saved” ….. Temporarily.  And then, down the road, Council opts to change the zoning, say.    That property is a treasure.  The School Diatrict deserves to be fairly compensated.  And the community deserves – and desires – that it remain a community venue.  An arts center, a multi-use center (arts, music, workshop classrooms, etc etc etc).  A happy, healthy, wonderful destination.
    Not something to be acquired cheap, then turned for a huge profit (which would be a slap in the face to the EUSD).    Do the right thing, make this a win-win, Encinitas.
  • I attended Pacific View from K thru 6th grade and graduated in 1986. PV is a beyond special school where I made lifelong friends and was educated by compassionate, enthusiastic teachers I remember to this day. If the land was originally generously gifted to the school district, meaning the children of Encinitas, it should remain that way now. Keep it for public use in a way that’ll benefit the community and kids. That land is very special and unique. I have memories of my GATE program authoring a book on the Old School House, walking to the La Paloma to rehearse and perform a benefit musical, Olympic day every year on the field, and so much more. I am fortunate to have been a Pacific View student.
  • Please save this memory of so many young and wise.
  • This property is a treasure and unlike any other child-centered learning space in the country. Please preserve it.
  • Please keep the Pacic View lot for public use!
  • To Encinitas School District Lawyers: This property is not yours to sell. It belongs to the children of Encinitas.
    To Encinitas City Council: Make it publicly known that you will not waiver in your commitment to prevent re-zoning of this property. Without re-zoning, no one will gamble 10 million on a property that they cannot develop. The auction will fail.
  • When you “pave over Paradise”, it is hard to get Paradise back.  The Pacific View site is a pristine spot of which they are not making any more.  The site should be valued and enjoyed by the community rather than viewed as a revenue source for the school district.  I strongly urge you to find a way to develop this area into one that ALL ages in our community can enjoy—so that when the current children in our community become adults and have children of their own, their children can enjoy the site, too.  Wasn’t that the original intention of the deeded land, anyway?  What are we teaching our children if we do not acknowledge what was promised and, instead, tell them that we are ignoring a promise because we haven’t been able to balance our checkbook…..?  HALT THE AUCTION!!!
  • I ask that you take the time to look at the individuals, families, generations and professionals that spent their memories and foundational years at this school. The personalized hands on education that was accessible to the local residents rich or poor. Some of my dear
    East relationships and most memorable learning experiences were shaped at Pacific View. to sell into the highest bidder would be to relinquish control of a historical landmark with so much meaning. In a town thst t is changing ever so rapidly to make way for an improved modern destination it is said that we cannot keep a small piece of land dedicated close to so many residents hearts and minds, as well as give up a historical landmark. Utilize this space as an arts, cultural or research center anything dedicated to the residents and minds and not pockets of Encinitas. You are shutting the door on the people and culture that keeps this town alive and not dead to the riches. What money is going into your pocket off this sell, aren’t you ashamed that you couldn’t have done more with your time and creativity to this space. Look around at the community who is grown now, I am proud to come home every year from living in NYC to take my walks around the old campus. It was here that I learned my love and appreciation for the beach and environment let alone the education that provided for talent shows and 6th grade plays that started and brought my career to Lincoln Center, merit scholarship to a private arts school in Boston and working for the most well known artists and choreographers of this time. Don’t erase such a vital link to the fruition of so many successful residents and to a successful Encinitas community. Think long term cultural heritage and landmark not a quick fix and an uninvested dime a dozen.
  • My name is [name] and I am a 21 year old resident of Encinitas.  I have never written anything like this and with my current set of affairs and priorities I will probably continue this trend.  However, this specific cause spoke to  me within.  I urge you to not auction off the pacific view grounds.  Although the location hasn’t been much of a destination for my adventures around Encinitas it has always encapsulated emotion and solace that I can’t quite put my finger on.  The constant reminder of how Encinitas has and will (hopefully) always be; a funky little elementary school right next to the beach.  Each Encinitas resident can see eye to eye on a topic of this sort and will continue to do so as long as we keep what is so special about Encinitas in Encinitas.  I understand money makes the world go round but please do not do this! Envision a park or community gathering spot that and all of the memories that could be created from choosing this decision.  Thank you for your time whoever is reading this and I appreciate your consideration of alternative plans for the land.  When we start thinking with our hearts rather than our wallets the world will thrive and be a better place.
  • This land should be used for community farming!  You were voted in to take care of our community, NOT auction it off to the highest greedy bidder.  Do you jobs correctly!!!!
  • I understood that the property Pacific View is on was generously given to be used for  the education of children in Encinitas.  Respect this history.
  • Please spare this beautiful place. Our area is being destroyed by over development.
  • Please don’t do this we already have enough ridiculous housing complexes going up in Encinitas.
  • Living across the street from the property means that I am especially effected by the decision made. I would really hate for this property to become another money pot for real estate development. I think that this is what will undoubtedly happen if the property is put up for auction, and I think the last thing Encinitas needs to develop is more residential space.
  • I believe this land was given with the intention of benefiting GENERATIONS of children.  If you auction off this land you will spend for ONE generation of children and the funds will be gone in a few years.  Then…what is left to show for that?  Please think LONG TERM!  Please consider POSTERITY and LEGACY!   I truly believe this land was intended for Generation upon Generation of Encinitas children to enjoy and behold.  PLEASE DO NOT HAVE THIS AUCTION!
  • The memories I have of this campus are incredible, and I had always hoped that my children would get the opportunity to attend Pacific View. I hoped one day they might take field trips to the creek and the beach so that they might test the local water for contamination, and learn about out local wildlife in the process. I also hoped they would get to attend a smaller sized campus which would allow them to know each and every one of their classmates, which for me, was a fantastic way to make connections all the way through high school and beyond. Please reconsider your actions and listen to the citizens of our fine community. I know many of my peers in the “Millennial” generation are heartbroken at the prospect of watching our campus become yet another in a long line of over-sized, over-priced housing developments which do nothing to enhance the city beyond bringing in more property taxes. Without going to far off on a tangent, the homes built above the Whole Foods market were quite enough development for my tastes, and I have lived in Encinitas and Leucadia my entire life, so I do believe I have a a good idea of what our LOCALS really want. The continued “DelMar-ification” of the 101 and outlying areas has resulted in a congested, over-priced area which has driven out many of the young locals, despite college degrees and full-time employment. I implore you, stop the impending auction, and find a low-impact alternative to housing complexes. If not another school, the campus would be a fantastic place for a park, or even a skate park, seeing as though kids have flocked to PV to skate for as long as I can remember.
  • Pacific view is one of the great historical building Encinitas has to show. Encinitas city council should strongly consider preserving the site instead of auctioning it off to the highest bidder. I attended pacific view for kindergarden, 5th grade and 6th grade. I have great childhood memories on that plot of land and it would be a shame to have the site bulldozed. Simply to create something that a company can profit from. I hope Encinitas city council makes a wise and responsible decision.
  • This is a complex situation that requires everyone to give some, and go back to the table and find a solution.  The Encinitas Community clearly wants a resolution that supports community activities in this public space.
  • Please save Pacific View!
  • We don’t need more houses for more people it’s already crowded enough, do you really want more traffic and people to pollute your coast. They’re already building track home after track home in all the inland communities. Look what happened to 4s ranch.
  • Please think to the future of Encinitas!   Consider the children, the citizens of the community, the environment, and the greater good!   Another subdivision is the last thing needed along the Coast.
  • I want to be able to show my kids where I went to school. We don’t need more houses and more people.
  • Would like to see this property remain an educational property perhaps of organic farming or something to that effect.
  • It is short sighted to sell this lot. Use it for our community
  • Spaced  like  this  is meant  for the public,and once  it is  gone  there  is no turning  back…  the  city  is greedy  now  and  will regret  forever…  please  save  this  land  for  the people.
  • Encinitas is being overwhelmed with new infrastructure and this may be the last property left that breathes the old eclectic spirit that Encinitas once had. Please, Please, Please save my dear Pacific View from the potential of becoming even more dwelling  space.  To us native Encinitas folk (especially those of us that went to this school) it is so heartbreaking to hear of this auction. Please.. We rely on you to do the right thing.
  • Please save this space for all the youth and family’s to enjoy. No need to sell out for more homes. A park would be awesome. Love my home town each and everyday!
  • Seriously, Encinitas just lost it’s soul!!!
    Get it together people! Don’t make everything about money…no need to type more!
  • Perfect spot for a multiuse park!!!
  • Living near Beacons Beach I have come to love the town of Encinitas for all of its beauty and independent spirit. If the parcel were saved as a community space that would greatly enrich the area. Please do not simply add homes to this already congested neighborhood, please create something people from all across the world would be envious of and draw more tourism.
  • Let this land be used by and for the community. This space can only benefit the already strong and flourishing community of Encinitas and become a model for other communities to follow suit.  Let Encinitas become a beacon of change!
  • We don’t need more development- housing, buildings, etc. We need more natural beauty and history. If we continue on this “over-developing near the coast path”, we will push out many of the locals and people who love living here and have lived here for decades. Leave it alone!!
  • This site is a treasured memory for this 35 year Encinitas resident. Don’t let a few enjoy what should be a space for the entire community!
  • What a special site! I’d love to see a compromise between all the entities that preserves all or some of this site for public use.
  • Born and raised in Encinitas. 10 year City Hall employee. Mother of 4 children. Save our open spaces for our future generations. We can always use another park!
  • I went to school at Pacific View from K-3 and then again from 5-6th grade. It is such a wonderful memory and it saddens me to think that it may no longer be there for me to show my kids one day. Not only is it my elementary school, but the old school house on the property is one of the most interesting historical places in Encinitas. Please do not let it be torn down and developed into nameless useless properties, whatever they may be.
  • Too much development going on. This space needs to be saved.
  • You will not get the property rezoned.  To again sue the City for a change in zoning would be an insult to the community and a terrible waste of the District’s and the City’s money.  To have sued in the past was very arrogant.  You have been terrible neighbors.   From the corner of 3rd and E the school looks like a dump.
  • It would be nice to see this space used as it was intended: A school. When other schools are getting rid of health, PE, the arts due to budget cuts. It would be nice to see a Charter School that centers around health and wellness for our youth. Teaching math, science, writing, and reading in a way that engages our students through music, art, surf, yoga, climbing wall, Pilates, Taekwondo and dance. A way for our students to learn about the food plate and apply what they learn, by having an organic garden, and culinary classes where they make their own lunches each day that have proper service size or proteins, dairy, veggies, fruits, and grains. The schools mission centered around health and wellness as well as the six pillars of character:
    T rustworthiness
    R espect
    R esponsibility
    F airness
    C aring
    C itizenship
    A school where community service is homework.
    Knowledge is power. This space was made for education, lets keep it that way.
  • I would hope that the site would become a community center, rec center, community garden, community art gallery, etc.  It should be something that benefits the city of Encinitas.  I would be happy to help do events of organize volunteers.
    Please do something good for the neighborhood and the county as a whole.  Development has to slow down/stop at some point.  With sustainabilty on many minds of those in the area, I would hope that the city would listen to its residents and surrounding neighbors.
  • Please save communal space for the community!
  • I strongly believe that Encinitas should use this land for an art center or school or kid center. IT SHOULD NOT BE SOLD.  They tried that with the library and the people didn’t allow it.  Now we have a beautiful library with an ocean view that the people of Encinitas are PROUD OF, instead of a bunch of private condo’s.
    Let us not let the school board steal this magic spot.  It was given to the kids of this community and the school board should never have been given control of the land.
    Who will donate land in the future if it is just to be sold and turned into housing…
  • I firmly believe this chunk of land could be used to better Encinitas therefore auctioning it off is not the right thing to do right now.  It could be a public space for the Encinitas Community.
  • This is extremely important for keeping the area’s community accessible, positive and vibrant.  Thank you for your consideration and attention.
  • I am a homeowner and taxpayer in Encinitas.  I live at [address], and am opposed to the auction.  I would like to see the land preserved and used to enhance our community.
  • No more condos!  Use for parks and rec or farming/education.
  • Open space near the coast is a treasure, please preserve this treasure.
  • I went to Pacific View and it was one of the best experiences of my life. The location of the school truly helps teach children the importance of the eco-system and the pride in taking care of the environment. It would be an enormous for future generations as it has already been a great loss the last few years it has been closed.
  • I grew up in Encinitas and now my kids are in the EUSD.  Some sort of resolution has to be possible that will actually benefit the citizens of Encinitas…not just a developer and a handful of buyers.  The city council and the school board are elected by the people to represent their interests.  The people of this city do not want to see that site turned into another crop of condos.  Make it a park or a community center.  It was originally created for kids…let’s keep it something that honors that intention.
  • This space has tremendous opportunity for a small-scale agriculture/local food production farm and education center. I am an Emmy-winning filmmaker and pro surfer and I am very well connected to many of the top urban gardeners locally and around the world. I can promote and organize a center that would be a living example and a beacon for other towns who wish to cut down their environmental footprint and provide superior nutrition to their people.
  • We need more areas that all families can enjoy beside the beach.  We do not need more homes.
  • I grew up in Encinitas and have friends who went to Pacific View during its last years as a school filled with children and activity. They speak of their short time there so fondly.. what a beautiful gift to learn and grow right on the beach!! Please consider the future children of this community and maintain this priceless property as a space for community building, enjoyment, families, and fun! Could it become a park? A playground? A giant community garden? ANYTHING but another giant monstrosity of too-close-together homes. Please and thank you!
  • I feel strongly about this as a student of Pacific View in the 80’s.  This is cherished property in our community. We do not need any more public developments in Encinitas! There are too many going on as it is! I hope the school district can find something beneficial to our youth to do with this land.
  • I personally went to this school.I love Pacificview, the teachers that taught there and the life long friends I have. It would be heart breaking for the soul of Encinitas to lose this. Why don’t they just reopen the school or if you really really have to tear it down build something that the existing residents can use like maybe a park for example. It’s congested enough here.let’s not loose the foundation that brought all these people here in the first place.quiet beach town. Ya I said quiet.
  • This would be a huge mistake, help keep our town as special and not turn it into something we are not.   I have lived here my entire life and Encinitas is town that has characteristics that cannot be found anywhere else.   Use this property to  improve our community.   A community center, something that we can all enjoy and contribute to. If you sell the property it will be turned into something that will take away from Encinitas’s beauty not add to it.   People that buy this property will be after capital gain and nothing more.
  • Pacific View was deeded to the EUSD in order to let the children and community benefit from this wonderful piece of property. If it is sold to the highest bidder who wins? More than likely the school will fill their coffers (which is always needed) however the community will lose unless the property is sold for public use only. Please don’t throw away this precious Encinitas resource.
  • I was lucky to go to school at Pacific View for Kindergarten and 1st grade and then 5th-6th grade. After 1st grade Pacific View and Paul Ecke joined forces having Kindergarten – 4th go to school at Paul Ecke and 5th-6th go to Pacific View.  While Paul Ecke was a great school, Pacific View gave opportunities to school goers that you can’t find anywhere else.  I clearly remember walking to the beach in 1st grade and 5th grade for science or English classes.  We would study marine biology or practice descriptive writing.  All of the local community was sad when the school originally closed.  To sell it to the highest bidder in these times is very unfortunate.  The school board could easily get a very high bid from a large development group that will turn the property into state of the art aprtment, condo or town house development with a nice parking structure, pool and even a workout room if the residents are lucky!
    As a community, Encinitas has been continually selling out to become a fancy beach community that is approaching a mix of PB and Del Mar.  The town is in the process of redeveloping the downtown with only focusing on construction elements modern and what I consider ritzy.  I know local business investors who have struggled because they can’t get permits to operate in the downtown area without completely renovating commercial space.  They simply chose to move forward with operating in other north county neighborhoods where they weren’t required to fork out outrageous dollars.
    I fear that Encinitas will be forcing staple businesses out of the area over the next decade to make way for more modern shopping centers, restaurants and bars.  The dilemma of downtown is its focus on Bars.  I was probably one of the few 20-something year olds who was happy to see local residents opposing new liquor licenses and requiring new bars to close earlier.  Lets face it; Encinitas is the PB of North County.  People from all of over North County come to Encinitas on Friday and Saturday nights to party.  A local cannot get a beer at 10:30 on Saturday night without waiting in line for 30 minutes.  I understand these are two different topics but the underlying theme is preserving Encinitas as the community that locals grew up in.  Lets not let our town become overdeveloped and become a fancy version of PB. I want to be proud of Encinitas for decades to come.
    The school board is completely selling out by auctioning off one of the best school locations in the country to the highest bidder. Please reconsider and lets find a different option!
  • I attended pacific view for all 7 years of elementary school. Please don’t tear it down and put up houses. Make it a city park if anything!
  • SAVE it!!!
  • A healthy community starts with healthy children. The land was given to the community so our children and the entire community can enjoy this small piece of precious land.
  • I went to Pacific View as a child and it’s location, staff, and educational environment have helped shape man I am today. It would be a shame not to offer this same opportunity to future generations. Money and greed have changed too much of the town I call home, don’t let the Pacific View property fall victim to a housing development like so many others in the area.
  • You are killing this town!! Stop please!!! 🙁
  • Three generations of my family went to this school and it is absolutely terrible that it’s even being considered as an auction item. Such a disappointment. This would be a great place to revamp as a public park site with the playground and grass area. This town needs to retain it’s history, not demolish it.
  • As a former attendee of this school, I can attest to the magic of this site. Although its days as an educational institution might be over, I think it is important to keep the area open to the public as a park so that all citizens can enjoy.
  • Thank you for your consideration!
  • It seems to me that the auction depends on the city’s being willing to rezone Pacific View; therefore I hope the city council will make clear that they won’t zone it for high density housing . . . perhaps, if they can acquire it instead, only a small part could be rezoned to be able to pay for the city to develop the rest for a park, theater, art studios and other beneficial and public uses.
  • It would be tragic to allow developers to crowd this beautiful area with high rises.  The beauty of old Encinitas would be ruined.  Commercialization and big development is NOT what Encinitas needs!
  • Please save this local treasure  to ensure it’s benefit to the entire community. This over expansion of our community has really become overwhelming!
  • So what I see is that you think a legacy gift of an historic land entitlement is best cashed out versus investing it’s equity in activities on site designed benefit children.
    Have you thought about working with the city to offer a prospectus and a vested rights development agreement as an equity partner that facilitates and accelerates your role and is also capable of generating an equivalent cash flow with potential revenue and income growth and long-term rates of return?
    There are ways to keep community involvement in mind with municipal protectorates that minimize risk without turning over the economic value of the gift to some other speculative dream?
    Have you weight a conscience duty in ways of a balance sheet with judgements of selling off gifts versus value and consideration with alternative plans that focus on mission?
    Would an alternative plans to sustainable, on-going, capacity building engaging community in risk assessment be better that versus a fiscally responsible position to transfigure asset wealth into cash as a budgetary infusion into a general fund?
    As a visionary institution and taxing partner, what is the leadership message constituents hear from regulatory and governance perspectives?
    What are the transparent indicators and regional economic impacts and consequences that document justification for your decision?
    Are there statistical tallies in your support documentation that include  non-monetary determinants with regards to energy, water, and infrastructure.
    Who is to teach how to think and reconcile both if not integrative but isolative, given a proper point of view that includes cost reduction strategies and distributive income variables.
    In a complex world, solutions are sophisticated participatory and interactive, selling off is simple but less of an cooperative education and skill development process and more so an exclusionary role of diminishing importance.
    Are lessons heard from any global listening post to be learning exercises in the process of modernization.
    Have you ask any inclusive questions?  Like how to create low-cost, no-approaches to accelerate scholarship with increase exposure and experience with mutually beneficial practices.
    I can envision Pacific View as just that as just such a presence, how about you?
  • The possibility of another development is horrific.  It would change the landscape of our downtown and beach community.  It is now a peaceful area that can be used in such a positive way to benefit the community if allowed to. A community center that provides further education and benefits for children would be terrific. I’ve lived here for 30 years and have seen a lot of change in this community; it is very painful to think of what could happen to this land; more houses crammed in this area is not what we need. Please consider this carefully.
  • Such a treasure piece of property with it’s history and memories of former students. It should be preserved for future generations–old schoolhouse, centers, for arts, and a park. It’s our last opportunity!
  • I was so lucky to attend this school for 5th and 6th grade!
  • This property belongs to Encinitas, please keep it away fron developers who have financial incentives to exploit out valuable land.
  • Thank you for even considering doing the ethically correct thing. The “class” of a coastal sity and it’s charm and appeal, depend on open space, not over-built over-paved areas.
    Every member of this family will be watching this very carefully. In the past we have supported schoolboard decisions without question, always assuming they were right decisions for the town and that the schoolboard had the citizens’ good in mind. But this one is not good for the citizens, the town or the kids.
    No member of this family will ever trust or support decisions by the board again if this is allowed. We have been taxpaying, school bond supporting homeowners since my parents bought a house here in 1955. Thank you for not betraying us and not taking advantage of all of the meney our family has given to the schools.
  • This property should be used to enhance the lives of current and future generations of the citizens of Encinitas.  Why is a property that was deeded for public use being auctioned off for development.  Think about the future and make the right decision by using the property in a manner that benefits all Encinitas citizens.
  • A park, community center with art classes, dance, computers could generate income. Please don’t destroy this beautiful school that holds memories of my children and all of their friends. It could become a party venue. Please think of all the learning and happiness that went on at PV.There must be a way to save it and generate money
    A parent of two attendees.
  • The rate of development in Encinitas is concerning. I am remorseful that so many older properties have been lost, compromising the historic charcter of this beautiful community . I moved here specifically to be closer to the ocean.  The older buildings that give our town a sense of place and context in time and history are fewer and far between. This is most striking as I moved here from Philadelphia where most of the architecture is over 200 years old and valued as landmarks.  I also happen to be an artist, with a Masters of Fine Arts. And an Encinitas property owner. This school site should be preserved as a cultural resource for Encinitas.
  • I went there. The old school house is there. I wanted my kids to go there. I painted the tiles that adorn a wall on the field. I was on the garden committee. I loved that school and I still love driving by it. We need to find a reasonable compromise.
  • Please preserve!
  • Stop the madness here, please. We have no need for more housing, we can’t even get around as it is! Give us a park or at least parking!
  • This is a beautiful property that generations to come should have the opportunity to use for educational purposes. Please don’t sell it now to make a quick buck. We’ll never be able to get it back.
    It could even be something so useful for our community now.
    Please rethink your decision and let Pacific View be part of our community again.
  • Selling school property is a terrible idea. Although it is a quick way to gain money it will become a loss in the long run. The future is unknown and no one can predict when school property will me be needed. It is extremely difficult to purchase property for schools, so it makes no sense to sell property the district already owns.
  • Pacific View is a prized public asset that should not be sold to any bidder. The school board should not have the legal right to sell off such a valuable public property which belongs to all of the people.
    Save Pacific View should seek a legal injunction to stop the thief our (the public’s) assets.
  • Please do not let short-sighted want for money and the pressure of profit-driven interests turn our thinking to mortgaging the benefit of our community and children for a few coins. We ar enot prostitutes and do not need to sell what we do not want to sell.  Please stop this auction and save the future and have a leadership vision for what we have– the opportunity to provide for our children and citizens for the long-term. Turn the property into a park!
  • Dr. Baird said in his interview on camera that the kids needed money to justify the sale of this priceless treasure of land. As a parent of three, would you believe it to be morally correct for the sake of my kids needing money,  to, for instance, sell my liver or kidneys, how about an arm or leg? To sell the land at auction now is a negation of your sworn, elected duty to be stewards and trustees of the greater good of ALL the children of Encinitas. Present AND Future.
  • Having children that attended Pacific View, and knowing just how horrible EUSD is. It is  time for you to do the RIGHT thing.  I do not live in Leucadia any longer, but this is definitely NOT what the area and residents stand for nor do they want. SHAME on you  EUSD.
    A parent’s happiest day is when their child passes 6 th grade and he/she moves into the SDUSD so they can get the services they need.
  • I am a born and raised encinitian. I went to Pacific View. I would like to see it as a park.
  • The two years I spent in 5th and 6th grade at PV were some of the most influential of my school age years.  Please do not let the future generations miss out on the irreplaceable history and culture inherent in the pacific view school site.
  • As a member of this community for 35 yrs. I am very concerned with the fate of this property. This area is blessed with a plethora of artists and creative people. They/we deserve to have a Center to showcase their work and to educate the public. My life’s work centered on children both as a therapist and advocate. Of course we need to maintain the excellent school system that we have, but much valuable education takes place outside of the classroom,as well as within. It is sad and extremely disconcerting that this property has become a “political football” between the school district and the city. Surely a compromise can be reached to the benefit of all in the community, and not some developer with “deep pockets”. I add my voice to those that are opposed to this ill-advised auction!
  • My times at Pacific View are some of my first (and best) memories I have from my childhood. It seems like just yesterday I was practicing for the 6th Grade Play, working on my Orkishville business, trying every activity I could at recess, learning about American history, taking on my first leadership role in Student Government and having the DARE program in the Old Schoolhouse. PV was irreplaceable part of Elementary School experience and I am devastated to hear that this is even being considered. There are few schools in the world where the teachers felt like family and my peers are still some of my best friends today. Anyone who has been a part of PV (regardless of his/her role) can attest to what a tight knit community it is. The campus alone has some much history and is a quintessential part of Encinitas, and I don’t think would be the same without it.
  • Use this space for the betterment of the community.
  • The school is a piece of our little town. Putting condos or houses isn’t something we can all enjoy. Build something the city will enjoy. My mom was a teacher there and the first time i ever saw it snow was at the school. When I was sick my mom took me to a schook with her. It was wonderful . Let’s build a park or something positive . There are plenty of beach housing. Please make it positive for us all.
  • I am a taxpayer and have two small daughters. It is not only an outrage but in my opinion a criminal offense selling off this property. It was donated to the school district “for the benefit of the children of encinitas” there is a price to pay for your actions. God watches over these little children. “as you do it unto one of these you do it also unto me”. Consider carefully your actions in all things. This property could be leased to charter schools or sold to the city or kept for the future benefit of our children and their children.
  • I believe this property was donated to be a heritage to our children not a one-time financial contribution to some for a year or years that will pass away!  Keep this donated historic piece!
  • Simply a last minute plea to work together (EUSD Board of Trustees and Superintendent as well as the Encinitas City Council) to ensure the property is preserved as a public space for years to come.  As a resident and homeowner, I am willing to do whatever it takes to stay in public hands.
    I appreciate everyone’s hard work to make this happen — concessions on both ends will ensure a successful outcome!
  • I oppose the sale of this property to the highest bidder.  Funds going to the school district will be spent in proportion to the current budget:  Most of the money will go to teachers’ and administrations’ salary and benefits – not to student resources.
    This property was a gift to the community and to benefit children’s education.  It is special and unique – irreplaceable – more valuable than the money, which will simply disappear.
  • I was born and raised in Encinitas and Leucadia. Myself as well as my brother and sister all attended Pacific View. And I must say, that now being in graduate school, Pacific View was my favorite school. It holds such a precious place in my heart and it is a gem in our community. So many people who are still thriving in Encinitas today attended Pacific View and were lucky enough to experience such a magical school right on the bluff. Please please save our little Pacific View.
  • If you are willing to sell this property for $9 million now then one can assume that the $10 million you asked the city originally was not a Naylor price.  You have received millions in bond money over the past years and yet when you are asked to cooperate and work together in giving something back you only see dollar signs and what it means to you.  This property has been neglected for years and so valueless that you rented it out for pennies..  It now has the chance to become something of value to the community and to your student as well. Voters may not think as well of your future bond issues with your non-negotiating attitude.  I sure will not.
  • This community’s voters have given you everything you have asked for the the past bond elections.  You have make no effort to work with the city in their desire to purchase this property.  If you want to continue the good will of these voters, please consider a less antagonistic attitude.  This amount is small peanuts in comparison to what you will be asking in future bond issues.  You need to think what is really in the best interests of the school district and the people of Encinitas who have given you so much.
    Cost of this property  $????
    fight with city hall      $????
    Goodwill of the citizens of Encinitas – Priceless
  • As a former attendee of Pacific View, a resident of Encinitas and someone who works for the community as a Public Safety professional I ask you consider creating a public use for this land and NOT auction the property. The red tape, fees and eye sore of new development it will become will NOT fit the character of this portion of Encinitas. Please allow a project to benefit ALL residents, visitors and businesses alike. There is time for a compromise. Thank you.
  • As a neighbor of the Pacific View property for 25 years I am very concerned that the Encinitas school district is auctioning the property to the highest bidder for their own financial gain. The school district is not honoring the gift as it was intended, to benefit the children of the local neighborhoods. This sale will have a huge negative impact on our unique neighborhood.
  • My daughter Sarah was one of the children in the last graduating class at Pacific View.  I remember watching the small graduation ceremony that cloudy overcast afternoon.  It was very sad knowing that this was the last event that would take place at the little school.  But I hoped and expected that something else that would benefit the community would replace the school.  Private residences?  No.  Public policy should guide what the school district does with the property.  Don’t sell it to a developer.  An arts and music center, a park…something for all the community.
  • Just what Encinitas doesn’t need, another developer buying OUR land to build more high density housing for THEIR profit.
    Geez… How about a cultural and innovation center instead? A peaceful, creative place by the beach where culture, technology, science, and the arts can meet and flourish.
    That would not only set Encinitas apart from all the other overdeveloped beach communities, but it would benefit the area as well.
  • I’m a Pacific View(and College) grad myself, and I can still remember taking class field trips to learn how to test water with Ms. Leff’s class or doing Menu of Problem Math Games in Mr. Klass’ class and being able to go straight from school to the beach. Pacific View is a gem that deserves to be a place for all of the community to enjoy and learn at. Please do not allow it to be developed so that only a few wealthy people can enjoy it instead of all of the children of Encinitas.
  • I attended Pacific View Elementary School and will always feel grateful and blessed for the educational experience that I received there.  Its proximity to historical Encinitas, the beach, Cottonwood Creek, and the Swami’s marine habitat provided valuable learning opportunities that could never be duplicated in a normal classroom. As a former President of the Pacific Student Council I have been ashamed and saddened by what has happened to the elementary school that I love and cherish.  I wish there is more that I could do to save the school that has such a powerful impact on so many people in this community. I urge you to think beyond the bottom line and and consider the educational opportunities and experience children of future generations (my future kids included) can have at Pacific View Elementary School.
  • I am a current resident of Encinitas and both of my children attended Pacific View Elementary School.  I worked hours and hours of volunteer time to help my children’s school and the Encinitas Union School District raise money to benefit the schools and children of Encinitas. I am also a former educator, and I know for a fact that schooldistricts will always have to deal with raising money, shortfalls etc.  It is just the reality of public education.  However,
    Encinitas Union School District is making a decision that is economically unsound.  Yes, the auction will raise money, but they will be losing a valuable asset that cannot be replaced.
    I have seen the form letter response that you have been sending to people who have written in, and I hope that I don’t receive one of those after all the hours that I put into helping EUSD over the years.  The form letter is insulting
    to me because I personally lived through the changing of Pacific View from a K-6 school to become a sister  school to Paul Ecke Central.  My children were at the schools at that time.  Back then the district was sighting money woes, dropped enrollment etc. as a reason for combining the schools into one school with K-4 @ PEC and 5th and 6th @ PV.  It was creative thinking, and it utilized both school sites in the best way possible.  There was no need to sell  Pacific View then and there is no need to sell it now.  Those of us who shuttled our kids between those two schools understood the economic reason for doing that and were happy to drop our kids off at two school sites each day which no other school in the district did.  The form letter states that since 1999 Pacific View no longer meets the criteria for a school site. Funny because right at that time and after that is exactly when my kids went to school at Pacific View, and it worked because it was part of a school (PEC)  with the combined land meeting the criteria. Or are you saying that my kids went to a school that didn’t meet the standards??????
    I could write pages and pages of reasons to keep the land for the school children of Encinitas which it was intended for,  but I know you have heard all of the reasons why everyone loved Pacific View including my family, but I know you are about $$$$$.  So, simply- keep a chicken and eat for the rest of your life, kill it and eat for one night.  Let’s keep Pacific View for the children of Encinitas forever instead of trying to just fix your current economic problems. Get Creative !!!! The loss of Pacific View will be a tragedy and you can stop it from happening. I urge you not to auction off Pacific View. Save it for the Children.
  • I was born and raised in Encinitas.  The Pacific View site holds so much history for this community and needs to be preserved for our children, and our grand children to enjoy.  It is, and always will be, part of our heritage. I am a local citizen, and to see this land be auctioned off, is wrong!
  • Please only consider buyers who will use this property to benefit the children and community of Encinitas. It could be our Liberty Station instead of high density condos.
  • As a long time resident of Cardiff and Encinitas, I and my 3 children have attended schools since Kindergarden in the district.  My daughter was one of the last classes to attend Pacific View before it closed. It was a huge loss to the kids then that lived in the neighborhood. It would be a shame to lose it entirely because of school board greed and mismangement. They have NO RIGHT to sell off this property in complete disregard of the wishes of the deed that left it to our children!
  • This is an historically, culturally, and environmentally sensitive property. I urge you to work with the City to make sure this property is taken care of properly and preserved for public use.
  • This property was left to the EUSD with the intention that it be used for educational purposes.  If Mr. Pitcher has wanted the site to be auctioned off to developers he would have done that himself.  Auctioning off this site for development (which is exactly what will happen if you proceed) would be a shameful act and would take Encinitas one step further away from the beautiful artistic and spiritual community that it has been for so long.
    Please do not do this.
  • As a Resident of Encinitas my entire childhood, it would hurt me to see this piece of historic land turned into condos or worse.
    Please do what you can to preserve this land for the resident is Encinitas. Please.
  • Being a local of Encinitas and an artist, I can only see one vision to Pacific View; give it to the community and build the arts, then watch the town of Encinitas be put on the map for caring!
  • This is a property the community deserves to keep in the name of the children who would have the unique experience of being in school here…and for those who have as well…the resources that this location offers in terms of a real education for children living by the Pacific Ocean is beyond the value of any sale at auction.  Realize such settings belong to the community a a whole, to all children…keep them for the children…isn’t that what we are all about?
  • my children grew up in this area, just loved it, would be so sad to see it go to the highest bidder, who would most likely build a huge resort.  Why not keep the beauty & charm of the area alive for future children to enjoy
  • Wouldn’t it be nice to honor the past and leave a bit of relatively undeveloped coastal property intact for people to enjoy? Aren’t there enough homes and commercial businesses in the area or nearby already? More isn’t necessarily better. I hope all parties will consider carefully what to do with this property, and if nothing else, a good compromise can be reached. But basically, I’d like to see them leave the property in than hands of the community who cherish it. What could possibly be wrong with that?
  • This is an historical site and one that should be preserved.  Am sure our forefathers didn’t intend that it should be used for out of town develoopmenters to destroy. Think of the community before you auction this property and reach an agreeable solution w/the City of Encinitas.  By doing so everyone wins, you get money, we get a historical site perserved.
  • As a member of the Encinitas community who worked on Prop P and a family working to improve the educational offerings to Encinitas students, I find the auction of Pacific View a clear and present danger to EUSD and its future fundraising efforts.
  • I attended Pacific View for fifth and sixth grade from the years 2000-2002. It was such a beautiful and amazing place to acquire an education, and I would be devastated to see it sold. Please preserve this historical part of our city for future generations to enjoy. This property is an intricate piece of the heart of Encinitas, please do not sell it!!!
  • F That, save the school. Its a landmark and should always be part of this town
  • I live in downtown Encinitas.  I understand EUSD’s desire to try to raise money to fulfill its mission by selling Pacific View.  However, it seems clear that the sale of Pacific View is a short-term and very small benefit to EUSD that will impose long-term costs on the communiity.  And by “long-term”, I mean forever.  Because the reality is that you can’t reclaim public spaces once they’ve been given over to private development.  A beautiful public space confers invaluable benefits on a community for generations, whether the space is used as a school, a park, or for some other community purpose.
    The previous owner of Pacific View was obviously aware of this, and that’s why the property was gifted for the public purpose of benefitting the children of Encinitas.
    Whatever money EUSD would get from an auction of Pacific View will be only a small fraction of EUSD’s budget.  That percentage, when viewed as a percentage of EUSD’s budgets over time, diminishes even further.
    And this raises another troubling aspect of the proposed sale.  EUSD isn’t an actor in the private sector; nearly all of its revenue is from taxpayers.  Yet whatever revenue EUSD generates from the sale will hardly benefit taxpayers, since it will be such a small percentage of the millions of dollars that taxpayers contribute to support EUSD.  Yet the sale will negatively impact taxpayers for generations to come in the loss of an irreplaceable public space that was gifted to benefit the children of the community.
    The auction of Pacific View is a mistake.
  • Dont do it!!!!!
  • I am asking the you halt the auction. This was a school that I went to, That was many years ago and made me smiling in seeing that someone posted this. It should remain so that other children can learn more in school.
  • Vision, progressive philosophy, creating history, maintaining respect for education and culture, are crucial elements in preserving this parcel of land for the future.  If an abandoned school doesn’t represent education and culture, then what does? Years from now the EUSD can be lauded for its heroic decision in 2014 which was not tempted by real estate and development but by vital aesthetic and historic decisions.
  • This site has such a historic importance in our community.  My son (who is now 31)
    attended it K-6 when all the grades had only one classroom each.  I believe that it should be preserved and given a Historic Designation to protect it for the future. A cultural art center would add to our community immensely. Please listen and act on the wishes of the long term residents of Encinitas. Thank you
  • I am very concerned about the Pacific View former school site and firmly believe it needs to stay in public hands and be used by the people forever.  Can you kindly bring me up-to-date on the process of keeping this for the public for generations to come?  Please do everything possible to keep in for public use and not simply auction it off to the highest bidder.
  • No more greedy developers and their cookie cutter housing! Preserve Encinitas!
  • I was a pacific view student and last thing any local resident wants to see is this landmark auctioned off to some large developer that will turn it into the most houeses or apartments possible!
  • I am from eugene oregon and So much land down here in San Diego has been lost to over priced houses and corporations building super centers.
    This space if something must be down with it should be turned Into a permaculture design landscape which would in turn build a community area for gatherings, teaching, learning, events, nature to thrive and for food to be harvested in abundant quantities.
    This area needs to be utilized for the good of humanity.
    And for YOUR grandchildren.
    Much love
    Lets change the direction of the world
  • Please don’t give up our land for more homes and other places that will not look beautiful in fifty years!
  • Please save the school!
  • I could not fall asleep because this is troubling me that you would auction this school. There has to be other options! Along with the Arts Center, why not incorporate a living roof of your precious flowers, just like The California Academy of Science that has a living roof in Golden Gate Park. And has anyone asked The Realization Center, they must be able to help? Please have vision!
    I would be happy to host a number of you through my San Francisco Association to come see what I am referring to I will get my local hospitality contacts to host you please just say the word! I look forward to hearing from you!
  • I am so grateful for the awesome changes that have taken place in EUSD over the last several years.  I am a life long resident (3rd generation) of Encinitas and a Real Estate appraiser for the past 25 years.  I know you are aware of how little open land especially of this size exists in this part of our beautiful city.  I implore you to work out a compromise with the City that would let this property stay in service to the Citizens of Encinitas.  I believe you should get a good price for the parcel, but, no price you get is worth us losing something we can never get back.  Please contact me if you would like to discuss this with me further.  I know your obligation is to do right for EDSU but with this parcel the obligation is greater than just EDSU.  It is to do best for all the citizens of this city and our city’s future as well.  Thank you for your time.
  • I doubt you even read these, but I figured it’s worth a shot; there is a lot at stake here for our community. My name is Andrea. I am 24 years old and I am due to have my first child in 11 days. I grew up across from this school on Fourth Street. I attended this school and helped create the mosaics that still line the cement on its west side. I learned to ride a bike at this school and shared many memories with my father here.
    In just my short 24 years in Encinitas, I have watched it change drastically for the worse. It is quickly turning from the quiet, quaint beach town it once was into a Del Mar-esque metropolis attracting more and more people each day. Cookie-cutter houses and apartments seem to double overnight, and massive complexes such as the Pacific Station have infected this small town with prestigious, elite ideologies that were once foreign to it.
    The people in charge of these decisions, including what happens to Pacific View, care about one thing and one thing only: money. How can we maximize our profits? How can we exploit what we have to the greatest extent? This obsession with money has inhibited our leaders from recognizing (or caring at all) about what the community wants and needs. This obsession is a great part of the reason why the world is so messed up, in general. Capital is valued over the quality of life, at all costs.
    This is the same theme I am seeing with the decision about Pacific View. It must be obvious to EUSD that the last thing anyone in the community wants is to have the property auctioned off to the highest bidder (let alone rezoned) so that more mass building can occur. Likely, more homes/apartments will be built that no one from Encinitas can even afford, dragging more of Rancho Santa Fe down to the coastal area- just what we need.
    The Pacific View property should be public property- a park, a historical site, something, anything public. It is the last large piece of land West of the 101 and South of Moonlight Beach. I want my daughter to be able to enjoy growing up with a beautiful open piece of land across from her like I did- to play, to learn, to grow. I do not want her to grow up across from a bunch of track homes with residents who own, but for the life of them cannot drive, their $100,000 luxury cars/SUVS.
    Take what the city has offered you not because it will get you the most profit, but because it is the right thing to do. It’s better than the $1 a year that you have been charging to turn the property into a complete dump.
    All EUSD seems to care about is getting the most out of it- money, money money. You are clearly not concerned with how your decision will affect the community, whatsoever. Were you not voted into office by these citizens? Has doing the right thing and considering the needs of the community ever even crossed your minds? If it hasn’t, I strongly urge you now to reconsider your decision to auction it off. I don’t want to have to explain to my daughter why things are the way they are- because a bunch of people that we thought we could trust to do the right thing, didn’t.
    I apologize for the tone of this message, but I am at my last end. My father and I have been fighting this battle for a long time, only to be continually ignored by those who claim to represent us. I hope you can take these words into consideration and in the end choose the right thing- quality of life over quantity of dollar.
    Thank you for your time. Take care.
  • I’ve been a student through the whole program and I know our town of Encinitas just as you do. We don’t need more homes don’t give up that land it means something more than that turn it into a event center for all the school for proms and formals.
  • please let us locals have out heritage to enjoy for our children and their children.  does everything have to be built up and be destroyed for the sake of the almighty dollar.  most of us have lived here for our entire lives and are heart broke at what our community has become.  you ruined orange county…don’t ruin north county.
  • Think of yourselves as visionaries. Save this property and create something meaningful, that future generations will enjoy and benefit from. This is an opportunity to do the right thing.
  • This is a very important place in our small community.  Let us be group minded, community minded as we find a new use for the site.  It would be good to have criteria for selecting the correct purchaser.  I hope you do!
  • This is one time the school district and the city should come together to make this work. This property is too valuable to
    our history and our Encinitas “way of life” to be given away to developers. Let’s preserve something for our kids!
  • I would like to sign a petition against this auction however have not found a place to do that from here
  • This is one of the few historic pieces of Encinitas that still remains please do not let the almighty dollar ruin it buy selling it so it can be developed into houses or something like that. It needs to be preserved! I hear ideas like turning it into a center of the arts or something like that. I support ideas such as this as it can stay in existence the way it is for future generations to enjoy while being used in a positive way by the citizens of today! I grew up in Cardiff & Encinitas my whole life and it really sickens me when something classic gets ruined to develop something that we DON’T need like more homes.. Please take this into consideration I know I am only one of the many voices but know there are MANY voices that echo my thoughts on this and will do what is necessary to get the point across. I have been in TV & Radio along with other big businesses here locally for many years and will use all my media resources to spread the word to stop this sale and teardown to develop this land.  I can be reached at [phone number] or [email] with any questions Thank You
  • When we moved to Leucadia, that was the first school I attended, and made one of my best friends there, we are still best friends to this day, the memories we made there are priceless, and those types of memories need to be made by future generations as well, you cannot put a price on friendship.
  • I went to Pacific View for just one year, back in the late 1960s.  It was a memorable year and I did a lot of growing up in that short time.  I always think of this school whenever I think of Encinitas, it’s part of my mental landscape and I would love to be able to come back and visit it.
  • I lived half of my life in Encinitas and have now lived the other half in San Francisco. Be a visionary like the leaders of this great city and save this special property for your community. If it wasn’t for the forward thinking here in San Francisco, San Francisco wouldn’t be the World Class City that it is. Save Pacific View!!
  • As a lifelong supporter of public education and a 34 year resident in Encinitas, I am very concerned about the possible backlash the district’s decision to sell off this cherished historic site will engender among many people who have consistently supported bond measures in the past.  There is a growing faction of voters that are opposed to taxes to promote the greater good in communities both nationally and locally. I don’t want to see our public educational system become a casualty  of a growing disillusionment with government.
    Please don’t fan this fire by opting for the short term solution of selling Pacific View.  Please weigh in the lost revenue from additional bonds that might be needed in the future when the money that has been gained from this sale evaporates.  Please continue to engage with our City Council on the preservation of this historical site that tugs at the heartstrings of so very many residents.  Thank you.
  • I am a home owner on [nearby address] and believe that Pacific View was gifted to Encinitas School District as a school and it is dishonoring to sell the property!
  • Pacific View is a priceless piece of real estate that should belong to the community of Encinitas forever. To auction it off to someone in the private sector is absurd. That magnificent parcel should remain in the hands of the people forever. If not a school, then a park or playground. It can easily be turned into something that everyone can enjoy.
  • Please allow this priceless piece of history to remain an educational site whether that be as a school that focuses on environmental issues or a place that public servants use. I know that the lifeguards need a new tower… What if all civil servant or emergency service jobs housed offices and a training center (cliff and ocean rescue) at this location. Encinitas does not need another housing development. We need to provide for the educational needs of the community.
  • I am an alumni of Pacific View Elementary and currently a second grade teacher.  I feel that it would be an absolute travesty to lose Pacific View as a school site. The opportunities for exploration in science in the community surrounding Pacific View are second to none.  I still remember the meaningful, real world science projects that we conducted while I was in fifth and sixth grade.  The learning that occurred while water testing at Cottonwood Creek and studying cliff erosion at the nearby beach cannot be replicated in the classroom.  Please save Pacific View as a school site and provide children in our community with these same valuable learning opportunities.  Thank you!
  • The Encinitas City Council may have way underestimated the value of the property, but I think they have been shocked into the reality that it deserves a serious price.  Please agree to negotiate with the city to try to come up with a mutually acceptable arrangement.
  • Both our children attended Pacific View Elementary, a wonderful neighborhood school.  The site is important historically, so reaching a compromise that benefits the whole community is imperative.  The alternative, auctioning off the site, ignores 130+ years of Encinitas history.
  • This is a travesty! First and foremost, the original owners of this property were VERY SPECIFIC in their intentions of preserving this property for the children and citizens on Encinitas to be used for purposes that enhance the community.  To sell if off to the highest bidder for development of who knows what, is not only disgustingly greedy on the part of the School district but morally wrong!  I along with many other citizens will protest heavily any attempt to develop this property for other reasons so buyers beware!  There are so many great ideas of how this property could and should be used by the City.  How can the citizens wishes simply be ignored?  It would be such a lost opportunity to lose this precious piece of Encinitas history!
  • All three of my children were educated in your district. As we trusted you with those precious lives, so too do we need to trust you to STOP this dreadful march to obliterating this remarkable -and what should rightfully be – public asset.
  • I believe that preserving this historic gift to the city should remain just that:  a gift, not an investment opportunity.  Community requires a certain sense of place which is special and unique – this is our chance to capture some of that for our future development and maturation as a marvelous, significant small coastal town.
    Lets not forever lose that opportunity.
  • This site was donated free of charge to the city on the condition that it would be used for the public good. I do not think the public good will be served by adding another Walmart or condominium complex. The City of Encinitas is bound by this agreement whether it took place a century ago, or just last week. It would be shameful not to honor the intent of the donor to provide for the citizens of this community a beautiful space that can be accessed by everyone in this community, regardless of their income level.
  • I have lived in San Diego County my entire life, and in Encinitas since 1980.  Growing up in Encinitas, some of my fondest memories were of playing volleyball and having picnics at Pacific View School on the weekends with friends and family.  Many of my friends attended this school.
    Seeing where Encinitas is headed as a city is a little heartbreaking.  There are so many bars and restaurants that cater to adults only.  I feel that there are very few places in downtown Old Encinitas for kids and families.
    I know that the Pacific View property was specifically given to the school district in order to preserve it for the children of Encinitas for future generations of children.
    There are so many things that could be done with this property that would give it value that far outweighs any monetary return that would be gained from re-zoning it and putting in more condos or houses.  This is a QUALITY OF LIFE issue!
    Some ideas could include:
    A community center with a theatre or amphitheater for shows (does not exists in Encinitas).  Areas of the space could be rented out for weddings.  There could be classes held. A big community garden for those who may not have gardening space available at their homes.  There could be after school reading programs for children with seniors.  Art gallery space and art events.  A music venue…the list literally goes on and on!
    And what makes the purpose unique and so important for our town, is that it would involve bringing the children, families and community back to downtown Encinitas!!
    The buildings could be LEED certified and set an example for other communities about what we value in this town.  So please, think about the BIG picture, not the short term pay-off!!!!
  • Please take this off the table now. The property deserves further consideration.
  • Isn’t it time to draw the line to tell commercial interests and bottom-liners “no thanks” and to prioritize public good for a change after a long trend of selling off the commons of all kinds? Aren’t some things too valuable to sell? Oh, one could say what is gained but never what is lost in a transaction like this one.
  • Save Pacific View please!
  • Please work together to preserve this precious resource for the community to which it was gifted.  A one-time influx of cash into the District’s general fund is short-sighted.  Thank you.
  • please keep the school, kids are more important than money! Thank you!
  • I would like to see a space specifically providing ocean and costal preservation studies for all to enjoy.
  • Please save this space for the children of our community.
  • I am saddened that a part of the community, the EUSD, is shamefully turning its back on the community.  You will forever lose our support and respect if this moves forward.
  • As other commenters have noted, money should not be a factor in this decision.  The site should be restored as a public education resource.  Why not make it a community center?  Do something productive rather than destructive, please.
  • Save from what… it is not being used!  People need construction jobs!  Why does the small rat want to stop the big rats?  It is a rat race and they are all rats.  If the person trying to stop the sale could make a few million they would sell 2 the highest bidder… Hippocrates!  There is way more important stuff for Encinitas to use its money on.  Encinitas can spend millions on a tunnel for swami’s when a crosswalk like E street or D street would have been sufficient.  These people trying to stop the auction say they care but there is so much more important things to invest energy in… like the supporting of sweat shops in all our stores… the exploitation of animals in our restaurants… the persecution and violation of rights for the homeless (illegal to have camper or sleep in car.)  Encinitas is full of people who’s eyes sore easy… but there hearts are hard… it is better to be an eye sore than a heart sore.
    I will be tearing down all the posters U put up… jerks… let some construction workers work… they got kids… the property has been banned from public use for years… no loitering/trespassing.  Your a bunch of assholes.
  • Please take no irreversible actions (such as concluding the auction) until more due diligence involving the public can be done, that’s all! Thank you…
  • There are so many schools that need a place to be. Please keep this property for the children of our town as it was intended. Thank you!
  • Time is running out. Please listen to the community and don’t sell us out.
  • Please save this land for our children as a park or playground.  Enough condos and office already!
  • As population in our area increases we need more public access to the beach views.  I would think the city of Encinitas would be looking for properties such as this to preserve not to destroy.
  • Me, my brothers and a lot of my friends from the community went to school here. It was such a special experience – one that mate learning even more special. Please save this space.
  • I attended PV from kindergarten to the 6th grade. Still, to this day I believe I bonded one of the strongest friendships in my entire life. My best friend and local hero Chris Cote and I met there and have been playing music, skateboarding, surfing and being  just plain creative our whole lives. I owe this all to PV. The location of this school and the memories make it something very rare in a town that is loosing its soul. NOT much soul left here, and I think that is why people are so drawn to it in the first place…all we have is soul. When we loose our soul we have nothing. If I had to say what I remember more about my childhood, Pacific View or my house at 271 Melrose I would have to say Pacific View. Teachers  Mrs. Crill and  Ms. Gregory were awesome.This would have been around 1985.
  • There is so little public space left on the beautiful Encinitas coast. I urge compromise to keep this land open and in the hands of the people, not developers.
  • Please find a way to save this treasure for our children and future generations. The school board members should realize that if they are really concerned about the futures of the children they are educating, they should do everything to save this property for the citizens of Encinitas. The money they would receive will be gone in a flash of time. The property would be there forever for all young students to enjoy.
  • Once the land is gone, we will never be able to get it back……our children are our future and deserve to have a place to play, enjoy the sun, and fresh air so near the ocean.  If we as adults do not show by example how to honor and cherish our heritage, what lesson are we teaching them.
    Please reconsider, and REACH a Compromise while there is still time.
    Please reconsider and show our children by our example how to lead….by honoring the past.
    The children are our future.
  • One word.  Corruption
  • I have been living in Encinitas Highlands since 1985, I live on Cornish Drive. Both my kids went to Pacific View school. Please save the property for public use.
  • EUSD Board of Trustees:
    As a local Encinitas resident (my father was born not far from Pacific View school), I am apalled that the school board rejected the offer made by the city of Encintas to purchase the property. As the representatives of our schools, aren’t you supposed to be more concerned with teaching and being good citizens than with money and greed? This property should be preserved for the people of Encinitas to enjoy (along with the 1883 Schoolhouse, which I helped to restore), and I don’t mean the wealthy developers who would squeeze as many dwellings in as possible and  then sell them for $3 million each. It’s not all about making as much money as possible for the school board! Students would get more from having this property to enjoy.
    Please consider saving Pacific View!
  • This land belongs to the children of Encinitas! Do your jobs! Protect the gift that was given to the children. It was not meant to be sold to the highest bidder!
  • The Pacific View site has been at issue for ten years now. The property belongs to the public.The overwhelming  feeling in the area is to keep the site for public good. Yet most members of the EUSD Board are not listening. Is this democracy? Dear board members do you really want your legacy to be one of dictatorship?
  • I am so blessed to have gone to PV. It makes me feel special as I have attended a school on the bluff. I would hate to see memory lane turn into a bunch of cookie cutter houses, buildings, or offices. Please keep the land a place where I can go back and feel the same feeling i used to running around on the playground. My best years of my life. Encinitas is being ruined with the excessive building. Keep the small town vibe. It hurts to see my town go down hill.
  • This property was bequeathed to the children of Encinitas, not the school board, not the City. Since children cannot manage property, it is incumbent on us adults to protect and manage this property for their benefit. No such benefit comes from rezoning the land or selling the property to a developer to build condos, office buildings or whatever.
    As for the statement that EUSD will make “every effort” to be sure that the original schoolhouse remains on the site and is available for public access…it appears that “every effort” means little to the School Board in this matter as they have refused to work with the City and the citizens of Encinitas to save this public land.
    At the very least, the 1953 buildings should be razed and an open-space park should be created. How about a community garden? Many of us would love to grow fresh fruits and veggies, but do not live in an area of the city conducive to such activity (me…I have clay-like soil and am surrounded by plant eating wildlife).
    I urge you to delay/postpone/stop the auction and start LISTENING to the people you serve.
  • This property should remain an educational site for children of our community, such as the arts.  We have a variety of sports centers in our community. This property in historic, old Encinitas is a jewel that should increase the desirability to live in Encinitas.
  • It’s a crying shame that the District appears to want profit over all other motives they could have. This is historically public land and it should remain so. Do not become another Oceanside and gobble up your precious land with a “build-anything-at-any-cost” mentality.
  • All residents should be able to enjoy this public space, to be, not just the well to do folks.  Thanks.
  • This school was left to the people of Encinitas. Yes you changed some laws so you can steal it from us, BUT it is not your school. In the 1800 ‘s who knew who would not be a school forever?
  • This is a unique Encinitas site and would be suitable for any number of civic organization projects.  Please be reasonable on our behalf and stop this precipitous auction before an irrevocable decision is made.
    We care deeply about this community.  Thank you.
  • Auctioning Pacific View is one of those moments that will resonate in time. Lets take the real long term view on what little property we have left in our fine city. Right now we as a city have a chance to take a beautiful piece of land and create something amazing. Fast forward ten years and $9.5M for that piece of property will sound like the worst deal in city history. Lets keep Encinitas, Encinitas.
  • Environmentalist John Muir had the foresight to protect and preserve California’s Yosemite Valley and the Sequioa National Park, both enormous gems for our state and country’s history.  Here in Encinitas we must do the same in preserving the Pacific View site for the benefit of the community rather than for private profit. Coastal Encinitas does not need more condominiums occupying the maximum building envelope, it needs foresight of government to ensure that the human scale and charm of this unique beach downtown is preserved for all generations to come.
  • I thank you for your attention to this matter. This is incredibly important to so many of us that live here.
  • It’s my understanding that the original owner of this property intended it to remain in perpetual use for the public good.  The Pacific View School obviously has issues, but the property itself is a TREASURE for Encinitas! Let’s hope it is kept in public use and not turned into condos or sold to the highest bidder without ANY idea of what that bidder might do with/to that property.
  • Please help preserve the landmark and keep Encinitas the community we love!
  • It’s sad to see two public entities not working together, but rather on separate agendas.  Both parties seem bent on their own agendas at this time, and that may or may not necessarily reflect the communities’ (whom they are supposed to represent).  This antagonist type of relationship does not seem like a positive or productive one for the community.
  • Please do what is necessary to save the Pacific View site for the benefit of our town as was the intent of the original gift.  To do anything less would be a disservice to both current and future generations of those of us who call Encinitas “home”.
    Three consecutive  EUSD Superintendents have been obstinate and insensitive in their singleminded desire to convert this irreplaceable community treasure into a balance sheet asset that will quickly be disposed of.   Please do not allow this to be the legacy of your “stewardship”.
    With a shared “vision and purpose”, we can save the Pacific View Site for all of Encinitas and demonstrate to future generations the beauty, strength and value of working together to “make your dreams a reality”.
    Isn’t that a goal worth fighting for?
  • Bidders should be restricted to those that will use the property for PUBLIC USES.
  • I dont think this needs to be preserved. Can you keep control of the site and build us a beautiful restaurant that would be an amazing place for our community to enjoy? It has been an empty lot for years. DO something spectacular with it! Preserve it? Like make a park? What do you mean preserve? Where can I find more information on your plans?
  • Pacific View is a part of our community, and has been an important part of the educational growth of many Encinitas residents.  Please protect this land.
  • Thank you very much for considering alternatives.
  • This school is a part of our local history it would be a shame to loose it.
  • In a time when we see construction all over the City of Encinitas, it seems like our city council should band together and represent what the majority of this city wants. That would be for Pacific View to serve the citizens of Encinitas. Stop this auction!
  • That plot of land belongs to all of us and should be used to improve our quality of life, not for some high rise commercial venture that only benefits the wealthy.
  • A community is only as cohesive as its leaders.  Compromise is not weakness. Come back to the table with the goal of working out a solution instead of selling out. Both sides need to bend.  Please help Encinitas keep an irreplaceable resource.
  • We implore you to do the right thing here and keep this property for the public good, especially due to its centralized location.  It could easily become a great area attracting even more foot traffic and dollars to the Encinitas businesses in the area.  Make a statement that the public interest, is more important than a private developers interests.  The public will not tolerate this property being sold with even a hint of personal connections or gain for anyone on the  City Council or other governing board.  This property belongs for the good of all the people.
  • Please give the city a chance to turn this beautiful site into something the children of Encinitas can use.
  • The Pitcher family deeded the 2.8 acre property to the EUSD for educational purposes and for the children it should remain for the children.
  • Please do not sell off this property!  It should remain owned by the citizens and taxpayers!
  • Just adding more track housing at the cost of the charm that makes Encinitas what it is.  So sad.  I moved here with my two children and husband because of the community and parks.  To my knowledge there are no parks in the area of this parcel.  Sure would be a nice park or green space.
  • We should all honor the original intent of the transfer of this property, and not simply sell it off to build the district’s coffers.  Auctioning this property is a travesty and is disrespectful to the intent and historical commitment of the donors.  This is the action of a carpet-bagger mentality and I urge you to honor the community in which you live by halting this action.
  • This is a community treasure zoned for public/semi-public. Do not sell to the highest bidder. Do what’s right for our community and restart negotiations with the city.
  • Please!
  • The Pacific View parcel is a rare gem in our community.  Schools and school sites are more important than building more commercial or residential developments. Please do not auction this property.
  • Please don’t destroy the little bit of public area on the beach we have left. Let it be an area for everyone to enjoy not just those that have the money.
  • I thought this beautiful asset to Encinitas was to be kept for something all Encinitas residents could enjoy. It should be!
  • We must increasingly fight for beauty, nature and serene neighborhoods, which are fast disappearing in San Diego, and especially North County.  Please protect Encinitas and do not succumb to developers’ greed; their interest is in what they can make and not what’s best for the community.  You know this!!  Thank you.
  • I do not pretend to understand the nuances of the school district’s financial needs/budget but I do know that we aren’t presently making any new land and any money raised by the auction of this property (if my personal experiences with money are any indication) will be spent (if not already spent) and 6 months from now there will be no money left and no hope of ever coming across property of this kind that can serve the community as a whole, rather than a privileged few.
    Please come to some mutually beneficial compromise that will serve both the school district and the residents of Encinitas fairly. Thank you.
  • It would be tragic to allow developers to crowd this beautiful area with high rises.  The beauty of old Encinitas would be ruined.  Commercialization and big development is NOT what Encinitas needs!
  • This is an irrplacable parcel of the  few remaining in Encinitas,  I encourage the City Council and Planning show some long range forsight in aquiring the parcel. As our planning codes allow continued subdividing of lots, infill and upzoning our city reached full build out in the late 90’s.   What would SD have had the forfathers not preserved land called Balboa Park now?   More apartments and high rises?
    The city needs to preserve this parcel for; open space, beach overlook and art center… this piece of land is at the heart and a last JEWEL of our city.  It must be saved and preserved from development.   Just imagine what it could be controled by the city or by a developer, … We don’t need another Solona Beach Condo project that limits view lines and public access, a 3-4 story gated mosolium.   Now imagine the potential of preserving  open shore line vistas a little “limited growth”.   City council needs to wake up…. Cost is irrelevant.  In the 80’s you could buy an acre in Olivenhain for $3,000 per acre,  today, $7M may seem over priced, but in 5-10-15 years the cost will be insignificant.  Think of a beautiful downtown central park, mixed use facility open to the public.  What is the value of tourism this will bring Encinitas, What is the value of a last and remaining open space with ocean bluff views.
    With increased infill everywere in the next building wave, the city needs to move quickly to secure this Jewel.  I’m concerned your appraisers are basing a value on 2009-2010 depression values and not the coming step up in land values as land disappears.   Move quickly its not to late.  Wow… A central park/mixed use center in the middle of our city with ocean bluff views for the public in perpetuity.    That is priceless, ask anyone that visits Balboa Park or Central Park in NY or the beach parks of Carlsbad.   Then consider what Solona has done with Condo developments and limited access.
  • Please do the right thing  and do not let the short term benefits out way the best for the future of the children of Encinitas! They will Thank you if you preserve some precious land!
  • This property should be a community park! Not just another development in our precious town becoming over-developed! And I’m a realtor 🙂
    We need to preserve our laid-back beach community!
  • I recognize that the School Board wants to do what is best for the school district and get as much money as possible for the site. Please look more broadly at what is in the best interests of all Encinitas residents. The Pacific View property is irreplaceable. The School District might make a little less money selling it to a public entity but it’s a trade-off that is worth making. Please consider the greater good when weighing the bids. The highest bidder isn’t necessarily the right choice. Please make a choice that benefits all of us.
  • Please! A partnership between the city and the school board could create something we can all be proud of for generations to come.
  • To take something that was placed in your care, for the sake of the public, and then sell it to the highest bidding private entity, to do with as they please, is a failure on your part to adhere to the intent of gift.
    To sell this property to a private party is to rob the public of what is rightfully theirs, albeit, in your care.
    Such failures shall be remembered upon election day, and forever after.
    How will the name Skiljan be remembered? As an educator, mentor, friend, or as a thief, selling public property to the highest bidder?
  • SD County should set the example for preservation and consideration of the entire community and the right of everyone to see the ocean and feel its breezes.  So little of the CA coast is accessible unless you have alot of money. That is simply wrong and unfair. Thank you for your consideration.
  • This is something that could be so special to Encinitas and it’s future, don’t sell it for one development! What a sad sad day that will be!
  • Do the RIGHT thing and reach a compromise.   PLEASE
  • We need to keep this treasure from becoming pure condos.
  • I would really like to see Pacific View turned into a multi-use arts & hostel project using the EXISTING footprint.  Please refer to the McMenamin brothers that turned abandoned facilities into multi-use projects in Portland Oregon.
    Pacific View would be an excellent location for a hostel.  Travelers can get to the location via Coaster.  Once in downtown Encinitas, the traveler has access to everything they might need – grocery store, restaurants & night life, beaches, car rentals, spas, library.
    Please consider renovating Pacific View into a multi-use arts, hostel.  International Hostel association has a high level representative in San Diego who can be reached for discussion.
    Thanks for your consideration.
  • Please Save Pacific View!
  • Just a thought, each one of the commenters are probably voters. Failure to respond to the community’s wishes, may be a set up for a repeat of the 1980 election when long term EUSD board members were thrown out of office.
  • I am a 28 year resident of Encinitas;  our children are both graduates of local, public high schools.  I think that publicly owned property such as the Pacific View site must remain for public use particularly in an area ol limited quality properties.  We are temporary stewards of such assets and it is predictable that a compelling public use for the property will arise  sometime in the future.
  • After moving away for college in Arizona, my appreciation and love for Encinitas has quadrupled. After growing up in Encinitas and having many memories of Pacific View, I would hate to see this old but great piece of Encinitas leave us. I was in the first class of Paul Ecke Central to not get the opportunity to attend Pacific View, and I was a devastated to find out I would not spend any time at Pacific View, like my older sister did. I believe it means a lot to Encinitas and no one can put a price on property like that to be sold. Please don’t auction off Pacific View!
  • As a preservation architect and former board member of San Diego’s Historic Resource Board the property appears eligible for historic designation as a good example of post WWII school design and contributor to Encinitas post WWII development.  I would urge the school board consider sale to a group who is interested in rehabilitation of the property. It would distinguish itself from the unfortunate current philosophy of short term monetary gain over long term stewardship of the community assets.
  • My two boys attend to this Wonderful school. I was a volunteer for so many years and I learn to love this great school.   I really think that this site Must be preserved like a priceless heritage site for the next generations. I hope that so many people agree with this decision.
  • How about we use it for a special elementary school for parents who want their children learn as much as a private school. Teachers teach good manners other than education. will have arts and music also. If not enough money from the city, parents will be willing to pay the additional fees! Good students should be encouraged!
  • Save Pacific View and keep it for public use.
  • After receiving the gift of Pacific View School property and using if for 50 years, I cannot understand why the School District is so greedy and unwilling to sell it back to the City/community at the City’s offer price.  The community has supported the School District in every way possible and passed various multi-million dollar bond issues.  Is it not time for the School District to work with the community and City and give something back or are they just in the position of taking?
    I sincerely hope the City REFUSES to change the zoning of the property from PUBLIC USE.
  • All children who attend Pacific View will get the immense benefit of a first hand science education by being able to take walking field trips to the beach and tide pools, where they can viewing erosion and conservation for themselves, and understand their place within the community.  the school is a unique site that the school district will never be able to replace should it go to auction now. I have no doubt that a developer would love to put housing on that property but that is  a short term gain from in irreplaceable location for educating our children.
  • I grew up here and attended this elementary school. It should be kept a school because of its great location. Or turned into a fun recreational park, skate park, or sports park. As long as it is not turned into office buildings or another expensive house (because there are enough of those in this area already).
  • The site could yet become one of the pillars of local tourism and could for example organize activities and discovery trails.
    Community involvement will have need of a school of visual arts open to all people, children, youth, workers, retirees, willing to learn and practice the arts. a school that will be able to accommodate both beginners as well as experienced artists and amateurs
    there is so much to do with this school which has already a history. it’ll only be a benefic the city of Encinitas. The ideas do not fail to save this place, as well as the support of the entire community.
  • I have cherished memories of moving to Encinitas and attending Pacific View in the 5th grade. I personally believe having a wonderful public space for arts and recreation will vitalize and enliven our community, and pay more in the long run than a few extra million dollar to be made from privatization. Please work to keep our coastal community a center for arts and culture in North County.
  • Over the past few years the citizens of Encinitas have voted millions and millions of dollars for Encinitas Union School district school bonds.  When the school district asked for our help we responded.  Now,when the school districts has the opportunity to do something for the community, your response is to ask for more. This school site was given to you for the children of Encinitas not for you to sell it to some developer.  I urge you to consider your actions in this matter and at least open a dialog with the City of Encinitas for the acquisition of this site for a Community Art Center.
    The success of future school bonds would be better served with a spirit of cooperation and not an adversarial relationship with the city and the community.
  • I am writing to ask you to help find a way to keep the Pacific View School site as a place to benefit the children of Encinitas, and not to allow it to move to a private use.  A dedicated property is something that can have a long term benefit, and once lost, it can never be restored. Many Encinitas citizens love this school and WANT to be involved in preserving it and caring for it; moreover, I think that you must respect the wishes of the original donor.  If he had shared your vision of this property as solely a financial asset, he could have left it to his own family or found a way to cash it out for his own personal benefit.  Instead, he wanted to create a lasting legacy for the children of Encinitas to enjoy for many years to come.
    As an Olivenhain resident, I do not live near the school, but I am writing because I do care that many Encinitas residents feel passionately about this issue—many of whom attended this school.   I particularly care about  the intention of the person who made this generous gift since he stipulated that this donation was to benefit children.  Please do the right thing and be a partner in helping us find a way to keep Pacific View an ongoing resource for the Encinitas community instead of an asset to liquidate for  a one-time infusion of cash.
  • If You gave a piece of land to the community for a specific purpose, You would want your wishes respected and followed. Let’s honor the wishes of the original donor of this property. It doesn’t matter how long ago it was. Perpetuity is perpetuity.
  • This will be a one-issue vote in this neighborhood. As a town we learned too little, too late to not sell every last piece of land. Encinitas was The Flower Capital Of The World – our license plate holder proudly proclaimed it for years, there was  habitat for unusual and rare birds (now Aviara, paved and groomed to look like every other faux-adobe settlement) we passed huge school bonds that really took a bite from those of us who aren’t rich, the list goes on. Enough. This is the last straw and every decision maker including the city council members will remember this as either the issue upon which they got a grip and placed morals higher than money or did what they have done so many times before – cave in to dollar signs.
  • The legality of reneging and abusing the conditions of a bequest will eventually be brought to bear.
  • The School District has an obligation to maintain the original intended use of the property- for public education. Selling this property for private or commercial use would violate the original bequest, subjecting the School District to legal challenge.
  • Also it is my understanding that when the property was initially given over by the private owner, it was to be kept as a school or other community asset.
  • I’ve heard about making it into an art center, which could be great if groups from the community could gather and perform there. I know local charter schools would jump at the chance to rent it. But more importantly, this is our community’s property and it can’t ever be got back. This is not fair to just sell it off to the highest bidder. Our community is doing so well apparently–class sizes are going way down, endless street repairs are being done. This property needs to remain a shared resource for ALL the people in our community, not sold off. Thank you for listening to the people!
  • This land could be turned into a legacy honoring the Pacific View Elementary and providing a space for community building for years to come. If it is auctioned off to a commercial developer, the chance to use this land for the community will be lost forever.
  • ESDU continues to pursue selling this last piece of Historical Land located in downtown Encinitas labeling they need the money.  Since they seem to have a problem managing their financial status, maybe a closer look into the site’s management might show a different picture. Throughout the years the school has been closed, several commercial businesses are using this site.  There is continual construction going on in and around the buildings, and not all this construction is used for the Encinitas Union School District. There should be some accounting on the income this generates and if this is a legal way to use the site.  If they cannot financially manage EUSD for the past 12 years,  how would the income generated from from selling this Historical Site be handled ?  The parking in Encinitas is inadequate, might they have put in a parking lot in the interim to generate more income instead of letting the site fall in disrepair.  I am not proposing this site to be a parking lot, just a point something could have been done before coming to the conclusion it should now be sold to the highest bidder, which would be a developer and contribute more to the parking problem and most importantly loose a piece of heritage given in the hope this land would always be used for the children and citizens of the area.  Let’s not let the developers and EUSD decide what this land, given to the people, would become.  We, as tax payers, should be involved in this decision and get some audits of where the money was used in the previous years and not let Pacific View become a memory.
    And finally the oldest building in Encinitas is located on this site. The Historical Encinitas School House, along with the selling of the land this heritage could be lost, which is ironic as it now sits on the land donated for this specific use.
  • I was born and raised in Encinitas and went to Pacific View for my Kindergarten year in 1969. The lot needs to be turned into a park or preserve, not more homes!!! Please keep the lot for us to enjoy!!
  • Let the city find a use for this property that will benefit the entire community and not just big business. Think if this as a legacy. Like education if children, it’s for the future. It’s more than money!! Please!
  • Please preserve this legacy in the public domain for generations to come.
  • The site should remain in the public domain for use by the community, not just one or a few private owners. So few sites remain up and down the entire coast. We are fortunate to have passed laws decades ago that allow our coastal communities to remain communities instead of high rise condos and guarantee us access to the beach even when we don’t own the beachfront.
  • I know it has been challenging for EUSD and the City Council to come to an agreement — all I am asking is that everyone try their most to make this happen to save this site for public use (which it is now) for generations to come.
    Your help is appreciated by the me and the community!
  • Let’s develop an arts center which along with the library will make Encinitas the most wonderful place in Southern California to live and raise children.
  • Don’t take away our historical sites!
  • Please preserve this piece of property for the community forever. Selling this to the highest bidder won’t give EUSD the money to fund education forever, but letting the city buy this property, at a reasonable price, will allow the city to enhance public education forever, through culture, art and just plain open space. We don’t need condos, McMansions or a business in this location. We need to preserve and utilize this prime site for future generations, and not fall victim to the greed of today.
  • Treasures such as this should not be sold to the highest bidder. Do not allow the Pacific View parcel to potentially be sold to a developer or someone who does not have the best interests of the community in mind. Our communities and shorelines should not be filled with high-rise buildings to block the views that should be available to everyone.
  • My son and daughter attended PV. My wife is a past president of the Paul Ecke Central PTA when PV and PEC were hybridized. I am a past (way past) president of the Encinitas Educational Foundation. While I value the PV site for it’s heritage, I also understand the school district’s need for additional funds to support education. During our time at PV and PEC we desperately tried to fund music, art, and physical education programs with a mix of success and failure.
    While the video on this site attempts to tug at our heart strings it is a bit misleading. When you are on the property you can smell but hardly see the ocean. The site is more an aging eyesore now. As a park it would be wonderful, but would it fulfill it’s mission to educate our kids? Nice location for a seaside community center, but again what about the mission to educate. That mission requires money. The other school sites need renovation and programs, etc.. There is a strong, reasoned argument for selling the property and transferring the value to the classroom. Think long and hard about the real value here, not just the imagined value. The EUSD has an obligation to all the students of Encinitas not so much to the community associated with the site.
  • I went to this school from 1957-1963 and grew up next door on the bluff at the end of E Street. I believe that this property should  be a place the public can enjoy, not more McMansions or commercial buildings in such a beautiful area.
  • Dear Friends, I had the privilege of teaching writing to Jerry Hone’s third graders and Steve Klass’s sixth graders at Pacific View. Let’s work together to keep this property intact, if not for us, for the generations coming up behind us. Compromise and listening are two big ideas we teach kiddos. Let’s use them ourselves!
  • I went to Pacific View in the 50’s and 60’s. It is a wonderful piece of Encinitas history. Please do not auction this land. It should be preserved for the citizens of Encinitas to enjoy forever. I hope you don’t need the MONEY that bad, as to destroy part of Encinitas history. Thank you.
    please don’t be so nasty and greedy…. behave as public representatives should and listen to the public…..
  • Please do not sell the Pacific View parcel to developers.  Let’s keep Encinitas high quality instead of high density.  Thank you.
  • Encinitas is a special place, and locations like this one are pivotal to our character. Please do not allow this acreage to turn into more houses.
  • Please, I’ve lived in this area most of my life, our boys went to pacific view in thec70’s and I work  there as well.. It was a treasure then and should stay a treasure for years to come…
    I know money is the issue as with every city… But community and love of giving back to the next generation is more…
    Why not let the people of Encinitas own it.. For a park, a community center or open land just to enjoy the ocean and life in the slow paced town we all know and love…
    The name should say it all”ocean view”. For all people to enjoy and remember as a place where families come and share community…
    If a building must go up… Why not a senior center? And rec center.. Community center?? Garden, anything but a building that makes man money.. But doesn’t feed the heart…
    My the love of this land have the right ending… Peace and an ocean view for all….
  • hi, i don’t live in north county but i visit there sometimes. its bad that might happen and I’m upset.
  • This is public property and should stay public so everyone can enjoy this last piece of property on the cliff of Encinitas.
    Please don’t make the mistake of letting greed and profit control the planning of our city.
  • we like parks and empty spaces. we hate more buildings full of more people in our already overcrowded town.
  • This property was donated to the community for the education and recreation of our children. It should never be sold to greedy developers. You, the school district did not buy the land. You have no right to sell it off. As you no longer have a use for it, it should revert to public control. We, the residents have just given the local school districts a half billion dollars in new school bonds. Sadly, you are squandering this money on building new schools and playing fields that are not needed, and on non-teaching staff and pensions. Very little goes to teachers and education. Return the property to the City, so it can be used for education, culture and art, as it was originally intended.
  • As a long time resident of Encinitas, I am deeply confused and angered by the EUSD ’s decision to reject the city’s offer for Pacific View School property, their decision to put the site up for public auction without even the courtesy of a counter offer, and by their establishing a process that makes it virtually impossible for the city to participate in the auction.
    I join many others in my hope that EUSD will postpone the auction and re-engage in talks that will ultimately see that the Pacific View site will remain public property.
    Just as we in Encinitas have benefitted mightily by the rebuilding of the Library on its original and spectacular ocean view site, it behooves us to retain the property as part of our city heritage. This property is a legacy that our forefathers left to us and it should remain so. The original 1883 DEED gifted the site to the community, and it was given to the school board with the intention of keeping it for the children of Encinitas in perpetuity. To put it in the hands of developers who care much less about the community they are building in and more to maximize profit would be a travesty.
    We have lost so much of the character and heart of our community to developers thinking only to make a profit. The EUSD’s short-sighted decision to sell off the property to the highest bidder is stealing from the children of Encinitas the legacy they deserve and which was left for them.This property is one of the last coastal treasures left in Encinitas and it is our duty to see that it is retained for our future generations.  Please do not allow the EUSD and developers to destroy this legacy.
  • Let’s do our best to do Encinitas and our kids proud.  Please work something out agreeable between the school district and city.  The community and our kids need compromise and cooperation.  Let’s provide an art facility we can cherish for generations  to come in a beautiful coastal site.  Thank you!!
  • I’ve lived in Encinitas/Cardiff for 21 years and although I know you can’t stop development, it’s been sad to see much of our area fall under the thumbs of greedy developers. Please keep this space in the public’s hands.
  • I attended this school K-6 and have lived in and around the area for years. It’s an amazing school yard, and it saddened me to see that it had been shut down years ago. It would be even more sad to see it sold off or torn down.
  • If it isn’t going to be a school make it a park or community garden; no-brainer..
  • I’m a local resident who wants to see the Pacific View property established as public land. With how congested my home town has become, the thought of more overpriced housing or another high density condo development going in there is a frightening thought. The land was donated, not for the school district to sell for a quick budget boost.
  • Encinitas needs a cultural soul and here is an excellent opportunity to create generational value. Building more trophy homes benefits a small minority at the expense of the community. Any councilperson with a ounce of vision will get this. That will be their legacy. Holding out hopes against all prior evidence to the contrary, [Name]
  • I attended Pacific View from ’62 – ’69.  It was such a wonderful school that kids from OTHER schools WISHED they could have gone there!  Encinitas has lost so much of it’s uniqueness through the years … becoming more and more like a “La Jolla” or some upity town.  We KNOW that developers will want to build condos on the property, taking away MORE land for the sake of dollars.  Make it a park, museum, oceanarium – a place for children to explore, enjoy and LEARN!  We don’t think enough of children these days!  Don’t sell THEM out, let alone the rest of us who grew up in such a wonderful place!!
  • Pacific View was our sister school–from my point of view, as one who attended nearby Central School in the 1960s. The thought of its being sold off to the highest bidder is almost as distressing as if it were my own school.
  • I’ve lived here my entire 54 years and my mom taught school at pacific view. It needs to be kept for the people to enjoy as a park or something other than housing.
  • Mr Baird, you act like all the bad corporate heads and bankers, and politicians who always end up screwing the people, who take away our voice, unempower us, then stick us with new taxes to pay for the greedy decisions.  Wake Up bro!
  • Encinitas is a rich town in many ways.  Please let this property add to the humanitarian richness of the town.  There is enough economic success here, let us focus on the people who live here and not enable the companies that want to just make money off the community and then leave…
  • This property was intended to be for the people of Encinitas not an ATM for the school district.
  • Do not use city tax money to overpay for that lot!
  • We have the opportunity to maintain and build on the integrity of our treasured city in preserving Pacific View school for our children and for public use. As with our library, quality public use institutions are vital to the lively hood and quality of life of any town or city. We should respect the foresight of the original donor for this purpose. We will be gaining much for our children’s future in the preservation of this unique site. Please consider postponing the auction to at lease consider what a loss it will be to our heritage.
  • Downtown Encinitas doesn’t need more business space or fancy condos — this isn’t Oceanside. We need more space for art and culture to be taught and created. The school once severed generations of locals. Let the space serve again by working out a plan for the space to serve a public good besides just revenue.
  • Please honor the original 1883 DEED that was gifted, TO THE CITY OF ENCINITAS  by J.L. Pitcher, to the children of Encinitas on this very site.
    It is not the school district property to sell.
    The Deed clearly states, it is for the children to always have a place to run and play.
    It is nothing new to see that ‘some’ of the greedy developers and ex-city coffers minded people were/are behind another sickening thievery of what does not belong to them. This property is a victim of another one of the long range plans by the concrete  monsters and the silly council people that do their bidding, that has destroyed Encinitas, during their terms in office! The plan is the same every time: First, plan and create some bogus excuse to close the school, Second (my favorite ), let it go into disarray, Third, get the zoning changed ( this is the step when you can see and smell the stench of their cheaters plan). After they have all of these steps in place, and they have set up their LIAR plan, they claim they have to sell the property. They give themselves away by the step to rezone it..This has clearly been their plan since way before 2003. Money, money, money, and unbridled greed is all that is at play here. This is just another gross example of outright RAPING of Encinitas land and the rights of its citizens.
    It does not take a rocket scientist to put the few pieces together and see what is going  on here!
    The people responsible for this thievery need to STEP-UP and STOP the auction and negotiate with the city for the transfer of this property, so that it will remain for the children and the people of Encinitas as it was intended when it was deeded in 1883.
    Auctioning it off to a developer w/the mealy mouse donation of keeping the old school house is a sadistic joke at best.
    The Superintendent, EUSD Board and the City Council have an ethical, moral and fiduciary DUTY to protect and maintain the deed’s legal requirement for this Historic parcel of land:
    The Deed clearly states, it is for the children to always have a place to run and play.
  • My son went to PV for K thru 6 and I was under the impression that this land was donated for educational purposes.  What was the original intent?  I feel it should be honored.  Pacific View was a great school and the old school house should be included in whatever comes in the future.  Save PV!!!!!!!
  • Remember before the playground was asphalted over, when we had hope the Encinitas school board and city would do-the-right-thing and facilitate the redevelopment of a beautiful public space for all to enjoy… NO, instead we watched it become a dump for city vehicles and all the life paved over.  That was when my kids were born, now they are at SDA.  The weeds grow through the blacktop and we’re still waiting to enjoy Pacific View as a public space.  Shame on all those involved in the poor decisions.  A public disgrace.
  • If a private/public partnership can save the Encinitas boat houses, why not Pacific View Cultural Arts Center, home of the annual Encinitas Ocean Arts Summer Festival? And home to the EUSD magnet arts campus?  There will never be an opportunity like this to leave a true legacy from your time in public service.
  • The EUSD does not have the right to sell/auction this property, that was a gift in the first place. It must remain in the hands of the public. The school district needs to look for funding elsewhere. This is akin to the auctioning off of Yosemite to pay bills. Ludicrous.
    Do the right thing here-keep this land for the public good as it was intended. Push the pause button NOW.
  • This is an Encinitas Treasure  to our future generations.  Please do not allow greedy developers to destroy this legacy. thank You!!!
  • Are you really the same School Board I have supported by voting for bonds? Please show your respect for the citizens of Encinitas and our children.  Please do what is right and pass this land on to the community. The money is NOT the issue here. Once that land is gone we will mourn it forever — and vote the School Board out for sure.
  • Although I understand the desire to get the highest price for Pacific View, I have observed that a great influx of money does not translate to giant changes, higher test scores and more happiness of the children of EUSD.
    I do not think that the extra money you will make beyond a possible compromise on price with the city will bring us much closer to our goals.
    I do think that by further negotiation with the city, our district could create a lasting legacy for our EUSD children and the entire of Encinitas, far more than putting that money directly into our district could accomplish.
    I would think that seeing the results of the 44+ million dollars from Prop P (which I personally made phone calls for, voted for and rallied my neighbors to vote for) we should know that a few more million dollars (if we can get it) is not going to help us reach our goals.  After all my friends and neighbors helped us pass that proposition for many times the amount you are seeking here, I think the least we can do is do is more negotiating.
  • EUSD is wasting taxpayer time and money in this stubborn child-like approach to Pacific View.  I have voted in favor of each school district request for funding no matter where I have lived – for 60 years, but by god I’ve had it with EUSD.  You won’t be getting my vote if you go ahead with your stupid idea to auction off this jewel for an arts center.
    Your actions are shameful.  This school board must be replaced along with the superintendent.
  • My heart sinks thinking of the owners who donated the land. They knew its value was more than money. What would you say to them if you had to look them in the eyes? They could have donated money, but they chose to give more. How do you explain giving up the true value of their gift? Money comes and goes, this is about giving up a treasure of a space.
    Once it’s gone, it’s gone.
  • This property belongs to the people of Encinitas! It should not be sold to whom ever has the deepest pockets. Without hesitation, we shall fight this for another 10 years if necessary.
  • In my opinion, the value of learning is ideally to make our world a better place for everyone. I recently learned that in 1883, a man donated 2.8 acres of his property for the education of local children in Encinitas. In Glendale CA in 1961 I learned when someone took 20 homes on a street and made them 200 apartments, the character of that block changed forever and not for the better. Last year from Google Earth I learned that now over a square mile of Glendale fell to that same fate of congestion. diminishing its quality of life, not only aesthetically, but environmentally and with safety issues as well (gangs etc.) The specific intention of the generous J.S. Pitcher for donating his land for educational purposes was most honorable and as the seal of San Diego says quoting Virgil: “The noblest motive is the public good”.
    I believe Pacific View should be saved for a place of learning.  “Those who cannot not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it”. – George Santayana. Please halt the auction of Pacific View before an alternative solution can be found. Thank you.
  • Pacific View was sold to the schoolboard with the intention of keeping it for the CHILDREN of ENCINITAS in perpetuity.
    The long term benefits of using this property to CREATE COMMUNITY and preserve, protect, and celebrate our way of COASTAL life in this area far outweighs the short term benefits of a sale for bottom line profit.
  • Thank you for your consideration.  As a resident at [address] (1 block away from the site), I hold the hope that this property can be utilized in a way that serves the local community and honors the generous gift and vision that was originally intended.
  • This special place needs to be preserved for the community. We don’t need more condos.
  • I can’t believe they can legally sell the property; it must be stopped
  • The coastal views are disappearing as it stands. Please do what is right and what was intended for the children of Encinitas. Do not sell Pacific View… To developers…
  • Please keep this beautiful lot of land by the sea in Encinitas for all in our community to love and cherish.
    A place where our children will see their children grow and share with everyone. These little spaces of land are almost all gone in our community, please do not let this one be lost so only a few can enjoy or benefit. Please halt this auction!
  • We would love to see a new school, or some sort of public use! (Not more houses!)
  • In deciding what is best for the school district, some advantages of an arts center may not be obvious.
    It would have a positive effect on the values of property in the adjacent area, which would increase the tax base over the long run.  This will allow for more revenue for the school for future generations.
    The nature of the community affects educational  outcome in subtle ways, and taking this long view is an argument for attempting a reasonable negotiation with the city.
  • Both my younger brothers and I went to Pacific View for our elementary school years. City has gone around and around stating this campus will be used for a purpose that serves the community’s higher good. To find out it is now being auctioned off to highest bidder is very sad because we know there is no “higher good” in mind if condos go in… It could be utilized by my son right now as his home school, if it was still open.
  • Since 1970 when I first moved to Encinitas I have watched many of our treasures get buried by look alike developments. Still, our town is unique and it is places like Pacific View that keep it that way. Please consider the will of the majority of Encinitas citizens, whom you are in power to represent.
  • I think that:
    a) This school will be needed by EUSD and Encinitas soon,
    b) It is a breach of responsibility to Encinitas to not provide sufficient schools to the Encinitas population – even west of 5!
    c) It is a breach of contract with Encinitas and the donor to dispose of this site for financial gain and to not keep it for educational purposes.
    The “inefficient” and “lack of children demographics” arguments do not hold water.
    Let’s stop this action and rethink how to best use this site for Encinitas and its children.
  • So few historical sites in California are saved. Please save this one.
  • Our parents were one of the first families to live in the area, shop in the area, school in the area, and beach in the area.  They have shared family and community traditions over decades with their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren!  These traditions continue to this day.  There’s a plethora of community families who continue their traditions as well.  Please don’t wipe away what others have built with their time, talents and resources, all for the “almighty buck”.
    Thank you in advance!
  • The District has been been very positive about the saving of the 1883 Schoolhouse on the Pacific View site. My only concern is will the buyer of the PV site agree to your request that we stay.
  • This is a beautiful piece of property. I understand the temptation to profit from it. Please do the right thing for the entire community of Encinitas, not just for now, but forever. The intent of the gift was clear…undeniably clear. The property is for the kids, not the budget. It is a priceless, irreplaceable jewel. Please do not auction it. That would be a sad, greedy mistake.
  • I loved attending the historic Pacific View School as a child. The land was  given to the CHILDREN of Encinitas and should be protected from ALL greedy developers forever!
  • Has this town learned nothing? We tear down and pave until this is no longer the lovely, eccentric little resort town it was for 100 + years.
    I have lived here since my dad bought a house here when I was two, in 1955. The real estate, money grubbing people have damaged this whole town so that it looks like pretty much any other generic coastal town – chain stores, boutiques for the uber-rich teenagers to browse in – it’s just shameful. The incorporation was the beginning of the end, and most people know it.  A few towns had the sense to get a grip before they became eyesore – Carlsbad, for one.
  • Historically this site has been used for the benefit of the people of Encinitas. At some point it was set aside specifically for this purpose. To take the view that it can now be sold to the highest bidder, with no consideration for the use to which it will eventually be put, is ill-considered and not in the interests of the community.
  • I would love to see this site remain to serve the public interest!
  • This site was given to the community and it now going to sold to a developer.  Only in Encinitas!
  • This space should be used for public use and not private investment. It is a shame that the process has gone this far on a land gifted to the city of Encinitas originally for the purpose of a school. I ask, where is the love? Let’s show some love to our community with this land.
  • While I understand that in a difficult economy cities are looking for alternative means to raise capital to continue to operate the city, this is a short sighted measure that will forever affect the city of Encinitas, as well as the citizens of Encinitas.
    This will only help the city initially.  It is not a long term solution, but the affects of losing this property to developers will affect the city and its’ citizens forever!
    Please preserve this incredible piece of city land for the use of ALL the citizens of Encinitas and not just for the pleasure of those who are wealthy.
    Your respectful consideration of this request is greatly appreciated!
  • The city should prize this landmark gift.
  • School children and their families are part of the larger community that will benefit from a public arts center at this site. Once it is developed it will be lost to the community forever.  Do the right thing and negotiate with the City for the public good.
  • Pacific View was given to the city with the condition that it always be held as a public asset.  To sell the site to the highest bidder so the district can pad it’s budget is short sighted and violates the spirit and intent of the original gift to the city.
  • Make this a community park.
  • I think it should be a park.
  • This property has been part of the Encinitas community for over 100 years. Show our children that community is more important than dollars!
  • The citizens of Encinitas have always supported the needs of EUSD but you can be sure we will never pass another school bond issue if you do not let us keep the Pacific View property in public hands.  Don’t let YOUR legacy be known as the EUSD school board that sold off our history.  Let us keep Historic Encinitas historic.
  • Please no more downtown.  It is the last space left!!!
  • Encinitas doesn’t need more condos.  Encinitas is a wise community that can unite and respect this gift that was given to its citizens.  We should not think of this piece of land as an inheritance; and therefore free to do with it whatever will gain the fastest buck. Instead, imagine that we are borrowing it from our children; and they deserve a place that can be of benefit to their community of the future.  I hope you understand that it is URGENT that the auction is stopped.
  • Please save this historical landmark.
  • Please respect the intentions of the original donor. If such donation restrictions are not upheld no one will be so generous in the future.
    We need such open air natural places for our children!
  • The last words sum up this entire drive: “… before this irreplaceable property is lost to the public forever.”
    Really, that says it all.
    This current city council needs to take the large-view picture, not a short-term one. We need vision from you; Big Picture vision. We don’t need no stinking condos.
    Sorry, lost my head there. … But it’s true — the vision thing. Please look out for our city!
  • Please HALT this! For the community!
  • Please reconsider your decision to auction the Pacific  View school site. The land was given with the intent that it be for the community’s children, that it be a community site. There has been sincere and legitimate work done to buy the site for that purpose, to have it become a community arts treasure for the city. I’m dismayed and disappointed that the school district cannot see that this is more important than some extra money in the bank, money that will disappear. Make a true investment in the future and save this site for the community. Halt the auction and work with the city, please.
  • Please don’t encourage over crowding of this beautiful small community and preserve the already fragile ecosystem .
  • It was a school, should stay public and provide green space or community services.
  • This is too beautiful for a big commercial building.  Please save it for the kids and big people of the community who will cherish, preserve and love it.  Thank you.
  • Change is always going to happen, it’s a matter of having a change that the entire community wants.
  • You do not want this to be developed for anything other than the benefit the original donor intended–and that was for a space for children and families.  Keep Encinitas history and find something that will benefit the community.
  • We are a community of innovators. I’m confident that educators can also innovate and come up with a solution that puts much needed funds in the pockets of the schools, as well as preserves the site for use in the community.
    You can do better than the highest bidder. PLEASE TRY!
  • Preserve the Pacific View site for public use!  This is a rare opportunity to do something great with a beautiful piece of public land.
  • “I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own.”
    –Andy Warhol
  • Save Pacific View! Encinitas Union School District Superintendent Tim Baird and the Board of Trustees, should allow the City of Encinitas to purchase Pacific View for $1 Million over the current appraisal, for a true community arts and learning center. This would be a win/win/win, for the City, for the District, and for the community. The land was donated and is part of our heritage and our community character, including our historic Old Schoolhouse, built by community volunteers after the land was donated for early settler’s children, in 1883. This surplus school site was permanently closed in June of 2003. EUSD has allowed it to fall into disrepair, making several failed attempts to rezone, to privatize the land, for short-term gain for the District’s facilities improvement fund. We already passed School Bonds O and then P, in 2010, and State Proposition 30 in 2012 to support EUSD. Now the District needs to work with the City, to be reasonable, or the City should acquire the school through Eminent Domain.
  • I understand the district’s position and time constraints, but stopping the auction now will give us all more crucial time to work out a compromise that insures the Pacific View property will remain a public treasure.
  • I am a longtime resident of Encinitas, and I think it is sad and absurd that the the school district is sufficiently shortsighted that it is willing to trade such a precious resource for an improved school district budget. Can you not see the irony in taking away something truly important to the children of Encinitas (that coastal property) in exchange for something else also important (a healthy district budget)? The question is: which is more important: permanently saving a precious resource, or temporarily balancing a budget? It seems to me the answer is obvious.
    Also, that land was bequeathed to the children of Encinitas. It is not the school district’s right to sell it. Doing so would be ethically dubious.
    C’mon, school board! You are on the wrong side of things here. Budgets go up and budgets go down. They’re short-term things. That is not the case with preserving some of the last remaining commercially undeveloped coastal land in Southern California.
    Let’s keep that land public and build something beautiful on it for the children of Encinitas. That was the original intent of its legacy.
  • Once it’s covered with homes for a few it will be lost to all.
  • make it a park for the community to enjoy!
  • A cultural asset as valuable and rare as Pacific View being sold off is a tragedy. The immediate money earned will never equal the value of the cultural riches gained, both financial and social, into the unforeseeable future.
  • Please find a way to sell the property to an entity that benefits the community. This is a rare piece of property.
  • I went here during the 70’s.  With the increased interest and population in Old Enc., this site should be used for public purposes like a school, instead of apartment buildings.
  • Classmember in the 1950’s
  • This should be turned into a park. Not enough grass in this city, as a native of Encinitas, and a college student at cal poly slo one thing I see in SLO is more nature, everytime I come home to Encinitas there is new development, new buildings, more people and more traffic and it scares me, this is an awesome piece of land that belongs to the community. Keep it that way.
  • This site is just too precious to allow it to be used for commercial use.  Please save it for some Encinitas community use.
  • This is a one of a kind property, surely you and your board members know what a sad occasion it would be to have this property developed privately.  Plus, this property was a gift to always remain a teaching facility.
  • I graduated from Pacific View back in 1982 and still have many fond memories of my time at the school.  Like the boat houses, LaPaloma,and Swamis, Pacific View is a part of the history of Encinitas and needs to be preserved as such.  Save the school (grounds) and save the memories!
  • Please honor the original 1883 DEED that was gifted, TO THE CITY OF ENCINITAS  by J.L. Pitcher, to the children of Encinitas on this very site.
  • Encinitas is being built up so much that is is close to loosing its character.  Selling this site to another developer would be another sad loss for the city.
  • make a park or a garden..don’t sell it..Thanks
  • This land, this location is too valuable to the public just to sell to the highest bidder. We don’t need any more luxury condos.
  • So much of Encinitas has been lost already.  Please save this for the community present and future.
  • I loved my time at Pacific View as a child….so sad to think the children of Encinitas will not have this property to play and even learn at….think hard…good luck making the best decision for Encinitas…for today AND in the future.
  • The school property was deeded to the children of Encinitas
    It is not the school district nor the cities property to sell.
    In fact, it should not be gated as to not allow entry.
    The deed clearly states, it is for the children to alway have a place to run and play.
  • This property is an integral part of Encinitas, and should be shared by all citizens.
  • This is ridiculous! What has happened with plans for Pacific View to become a community art center?! It could be a community treasure and be an economic asset. I am so unimpressed with the political choices around this property, from the closure of the school, then years of disuse to the sale of the property.
    I know who I am not voting for in the next election.
  • As a young girl, I was lucky to have access to the beach bluffs until the condominium developments. I’m speaking up now for the next kids to come by saying; You have a beautiful public property and a duty to your community to consider long term benefits to Encinitas by keeping this property for the enjoyment of the public, the kids to play near the beach and the grandparents who still do.