Click here to Share Your View– tell us your ideas for Encinitas’ newest public site!
What would you like to see happen at our new Pacific View site? Here is where you can Share Your View! You can login here directly or use your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ ID.
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Encinitas Union School District to vote on canceling the Pacific View auction at April 29 meeting
In what hopefully will be a low-key but happy ending to hundreds of residents’ efforts to rescue the Pacific View property from the auction block, the EUSD Board of Trustees will vote to formally cancel its already-postponed auction at a meeting this Tuesday evening, April 29.
The district and the Encinitas City Council have agreed on the terms of the purchase, so approval of the auction cancellation appears likely. If it is cancelled, it will signify the end of a very tense chapter in the city’s history and the beginning of a new phase in which new Pacific View issues will be addressed, such as the means of the $10 million payment, the property’s ultimate public use, how it will be administered and whether private sector partnerships will be involved.
Here is the Pacific View item from the meeting’s agenda:
The Board of Trustees approved the postponement of the auction and bid date for the sale of the Pacific View property on March 21, 2014 in response to an offer to purchase the property from the City of Encinitas. Since that time the Encinitas Union School District has formally entered into Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Intent to Enter Into Purchase Agreement with the City of Encinitas for $10 million along with agreed upon terms requiring the formal cancellation of the sale and notification to potential bidders.
Action Recommended: Approve cancellation of auction/sale of the Pacific View property.
The SavePacificView story as told by local media can be read here. will stay on top of developments and send email updates when new Pacific View events occur.
All 724 people who sent a SavePacific View email– without you, the city’s purchase of this treasured site would not have happened!
Special thanks to:
- Antal Adriaanse
- Barbara Aplington
- Teresa Barth
- Catherine Blakespear
- Bob Bonde
- Robert Bush
- Fred Caldwell
- Sheila Cameron
- Bennett Chatfield
- Chris Chatfield
- Kay Colvin
- Carolyn Cope
- Dody Crawford
- Darius Degher
- Mary Fleener
- Sarah Garfield
- Anton Gerschler
- John Gjata
- Linda Huston
- Dan Jaoudi
- Stephen Keyes
- Tony Kranz
- Annie Leaf
- Kathleen Lindemann
- Tim Lueker
- Mail Dog Email Marketing Tools
- Lynn Marr
- Maureen Muir
- Pat Muller
- Robert Nichols
- Lili Noden
- Lucille Noden
- Mary Oren
- Treggon Owens
- Mark Patterson
- C Clark Porter
- Jean Radakovich
- Claudia Russell
- Deanne Sabeck
- Danny Salzhandler
- Jesse Schluntz
- Blair Schultze
- Lisa Shaffer
- Tricia Smith
- Elizabeth Wallace
(If we missed you, we apologize— we don’t have all the names of those who spoke at city council and school board meetings— please send us an email at info@SavePacific and we’ll add your name!)
News media:
- Chris Ahrens
- Rachel Bianco
- Kay Colvin
- Ronnie Das
- Mary Fleener
- Alex Groves
- Barbara Henry
- Logan Jenkins
- Roman Koenig
- Michelle Mowad
- Hayne Palmour IV
- Gary Warth
- Jared Whitlock