A two-hour Collaboration Workshop for prospective operating partners of the Pacific View site and its tenants will be held at Encinitas City Hall on Monday, July 20, between 10 a.m. and noon.
Pacific View Activation Subcommittee members Tony Kranz and Lisa Shaffer won’t be present due to the City Council’s month-long hiatus, but Director of Public Works Glenn Pruim will run the meeting.
In previous meetings, Shaffer has likened this event to “speed dating.” She hopes it allows all the interested parties a chance to get together, compare notes and form alliances as the Pacific View public arts center comes to fruition. The meeting will start
The agenda for the workshop is reproduced below and can also be downloaded here.
The PV Collaboration Workshop agenda:
This is a reminder that on Monday, July 20, at 10:00 a.m., in the Poinsettia Room at Encinitas City Hall, we will be holding a Pacific View “collaboration workshop.” The purpose of the meeting is to give Potential Operating Partners (POPs), and groups or individuals interested in being part of a proposal to the City, to meet and discuss potential collaboration. The meeting is intended for POPs, organizations interested in ongoing use of the facilities, and prospective service providers (e.g., landscape, architecture or engineering firms) who might support the POPs in preparing the site for use, to identify mutual interests and make arrangements as appropriate for more in-depth discussions.
The format for the meeting will be:
OPENING – 15-30 minutes
1. Brief status update from the City, description of the Letter of Interest process, answering questions for clarification
2. Introductions – each Potential Operating Partner will have THREE TO FIVE MINUTES to give a brief summary of their concept.
Staff will direct each POP to a designated area where there will be a table and chairs. POPs may use the table to display drawings or other information. POPs are responsible for bringing any display or hand-out materials.
FREE-FORM DISCUSSION – 30-45 minutes
This will be the time for interested individuals or groups who want to have an ongoing role in utilizing areas within the Pacific View site to meet with POPs and explore their mutual interests.
WRAP-UP – 15 minutes
Participants will reconvene and be able to ask questions of staff. POPs will have the opportunity to make any further brief comments or summary statements.
If you are a Potential Operating Partner, please RSVP to smorrow@encinitasca.gov so we will know how many areas to set up. Other interested parties need not RSVP.
On July 10, the City of Encinitas officially opened the window for potential Operating Partners of the Pacific View facility to submit a Letter of Interest by August 3, 2015.
The public notice invited “organizations to submit Letters of Interest for the purpose of becoming the Operating Partner, responsible for the design, rehabilitation, scheduling, maintenance and management of the buildings and grounds known as the Pacific View site at 608 Third Street, Encinitas CA.”
The notice goes on to explain the criteria that the final selection will be based on, and what the mandatory letter should include:
- Intended uses and users (indoors and out)
- High-level financial strategy
- Governance structure (who’s in charge; relevant expertise and qualifications to be the Operating Partner)
- High-level design concept
- Experience with similar projects
The entire two-page Notice For Letter of Interest can be downloaded here.
Several interior photos of Pacific View’s buildings can be found here.
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The creation of Pacific View’s future is happening now– crucial decisions are being made every month. You and your friends are invited to have your say and Share Your View on the SavePacificView.org website. You can login there directly or use your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ ID to post and comment. Your input is much appreciated, and essential to helping shape a place that can be enjoyed for generations to come.

The historic Pacific View property as it appeared before the City of Encinitas purchased it in 2014.