The Encinitas City Council will tackle two crucial issues furthering the rehabilitation of the Pacific View property in its meeting at City Hall Wednesday, September 23 — the selection of an Operating Partner for the proposed community arts center, and accepting a Preliminary Design Report for the site.

The Encinitas Arts, Culture and Ecology Alliance’s rendering of its vision for the Pacific View property. The staff report notes that both top-ranked proposals come into conflict with existing zoning regulations. (Click to enlarge.)
A report prepared by Deputy City Engineer Greg Shields (downloadable as a .zip file here) lays out the significant progress that city staff and the Pacific View Activation Subcommittee have made in evaluating the five Letters of Interest submitted by potential Operating Partners (also included in the report), and in presenting three architectural plans from Westberg+White to restore the buildings and property.
The estimated restoration costs range from $3.9 million to $4.4 million. The full 20MB, 278-page Preliminary Design Report can be downloaded here.
Shields’ agenda report concludes “that there are only two Potential Operating Partners, both of which have obstacles with the current zoning.” It notes that the other three letters contain ideas that “are more appropriate as being a part of the future [ultimate] use of the property.” One letter was submitted after the deadline.
One of the two highest-ranked Letters of Interest in the report was from The Encinitas Arts, Culture and Ecology Alliance, consisting of longtime Encinitas resident Garth Murphy and “a large group of individuals, civic entities, foundations and community leaders.” Its concept for the property is shown in the accompanying illustration.
The other highly ranked letter was submitted by Radlab Designs and Sequoian Investments of San Diego, and describes a Pacific View Cultural Center consisting of an outdoor commercial, dining and entertainment venue. The collaborative has built or is building urban parks in San Diego’s East Village and Barrio Logan.
The council is being asked to provide direction to city staff regarding the most likely Operating Partner or Partners, and request a complete proposal from the potential partner(s). Shields’ report also requests that the council accept the nearly finished architectural draft and suggest modifications for the final version.
The Pacific View topics will be Item 10E at Wednesday’s meeting, which begins at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 505 South Vulcan Avenue in Encinitas. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.
Several interior photos of Pacific View’s buildings can be found here. stays on top of developments and sends email updates when new Pacific View events occur. You’re invited to stay up-to-date on Pacific View news by joining the email list here. Your name and email address will only be used by
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The historic Pacific View property as it appeared before the City of Encinitas purchased it in 2014.